MovieChat Forums > Stephen Merchant Discussion > Not invited to Gervais' birthday

Not invited to Gervais' birthday

Sorry this will go over the heads of most people who didn't listen regularly to the xfm shows but anyone else find it strange that Merchant wasn't invited to his best friend's birthday party - was this just a funny sketch they thought they would work into the radio if not then that seems genuinely harsh on Ricky's behalf.


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Yeah, I heard that show. As they were great friends at that point, I think there must have been a reason, like some sort of joke or Stephen couldn't go so Ricky might not have invited him for that reason, or whatever. It can't have been serious.


This was brought up on their own radio show - I don't pay attention to any of that Heat magaine style nonesense. It as passed off in a lighthearted way but I just thought it was strange not to invite one of your close friends to a birthday party....


if he really had taken issue with this, he wouldn't have discussed it on radio. ricky and steven are probably best friends, there would be hardly anything that could shake their friendship. you can hear that by listening to their chatshow. that level of friendship is just enviable.


Gervais and I have the same birthday. Steve, you are more than welcome to hang with me in New York City, I will be there for my birthday. You make me swoon.


I heard them say in an interview that they don't hang out when they're not working together but that they see each other very often because of work so maybe they just don't mix in each other's social lives.
