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How much did steve merchant actually do on office?

I always feel sorry for merchant sometimes, just because gervais headlined the office, merchant is kinda forgotten in the genius sector and that he wrote half of office and extras. I personally think he is just as funny if not funnier than gervais. I'd love to know which bits of the office and extras were merchants idea because it would be interesting to know how many great bits gervais did. There is no gervais without merchant. He is always there, he has half of it.

Dont you think?


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I very much agree. There's something about Merchant; whenever i see him, before he even speaks i laugh- He's hilarious and so is Gervais.


Listening to their show on x-fm, Merchant always seemed to be the funnier one to me,Gervais just seemed to sit there and laugh while Merchant and Karl Pilkington told really funny Stepehen Merchants agent character was the only good thing about extras besides Barry from eastenders.


I completely agree.

"With a gun barrel between your teeth, you only speak in vowels." - The Narrator


First there was Merchant/Ivory, Now there is Merchant/Gervais. Lets hope those two always work together. Separate is just wrong. It's like Galton without Simpson.


merchant's agent is very unfunny and it's painful to watch......his ineptness doesn't really fit with the show in how over-the-top it is


Don't take the piss, your as bad as Karl


In "the office" extra feature u find out that Merchant had the contacts and got the ball rolling to make "the office" it was his idea but it was based on a character (which later turned out that be David Brent) Gervais used to do when they worked at a radio statiion together. so it really seems 50/50.
