Anyone think similarities between Ben and...
Noah Taylor??
like just little things - certain looks and sometimes voice?
or am i way off??
Noah Taylor??
like just little things - certain looks and sometimes voice?
or am i way off??
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shareSpot on, my gf always used to get them mixed up. Might have alot to do with them being in alot of films together too. The Year my Voice Broke, Geoffrey Wright's Lover Boy, True Love and Chaos. Well not alot but for Australian film that's a large percentage.
Oh my gosh... I thought that was Noah Taylor so I had to go and look on IMDB. Ha, so I'm not the only one who think they look alike!
shareI was watching some old Australian film short with Hugo Weaving on Foxtel. I just assumed it was Ben through out the whole movie. By the end of the movie I went on IMDB and found out it was actually Noah. I swear they were exactly alike in every respect. Noah used the same sort of lisp, and while he played a calm character he had a few sudden outbursts of aggession which totally reminded me of Ben when he was in Idiot Box, not to mention they looked exactly alike. The movie's called Road To Alice if your interested. It's only 1/2 and hour long.
Messes with your head, huh?
OH are SO CORRECT!!!!!!!!!! They even have that same WONDERFUL PRESENCE...oh yes, little things, they could be brothers, the same curl of the lips.., something in the eyes...the nose...a wistful quality..
I love them both...they are quite special, in fact.
Enrique Sanchez
Agreed!! I just watched Austalia and I thought it was Noah!!
I've also noticed that there are certain similarities between Ben and Tim Blake Nelson.
Well they are from the same generation of Australian actors and have been in a few movies together. I loved all those quirky roles/films they did. I think they are both wonderful actors. Seriously though, when they were younger they did look a bit like eacother, but the older they get, the less so imo.