Looks gay

Is he?


you look like an idiot. are you?


He is not gay. He is straight.


You sound like a moron. Are you?

What on earth constitutes looking "gay"? Is there a job description somewhere? Please do enlighten us stupid people who aren't bright enough to know this. While you're at it, can you please tell us what's involved in looking "straight"? This would certainly be very helpful to the ignorant masses.

We eagerly await your informative reply.


You've ruffled some feathers. I'm assuming you mean "camp". No. He doesn't look the least bit camp.

Is he gay? I don't think he's ever said anything on the matter. If you're keen, go ask him.


Didn't hear this about him either, but it's all right if Matthew is.

Well, either way, it's how he is born, but Matthew is still the same actor regardless, so his orientation shouldn't matter.

Tolerance is nice toward the less fortunate.


that was stupid
