MovieChat Forums > Matthew Macfadyen Discussion > Recomendations, please...

Recomendations, please...

He is a fantastic actor and I've seen him in some great and not so great movies, but if you true fans would recommend me some other relatively unknown, but good movies/TV shows with him in it, I would be truly grateful.
Already seen: Pride and Prejudice (my God, it's a 10/10), Anna Karenina, Three Musketeers, Robin Hood, Frost/Nixon, Death at a Funeral, In My Father's Den.
I love drama and indie type movies, so anything goes. Thanks!

Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it.


I would recommend Pillars of the earth,Spooks,Little Dorrit and Ripper street- all of them are amazing shows.

Doctor Who: Human beings. You always manage to find the boring alternative, don't you?


I second Little Dorrit and Ripper Street. Just finished Little Dorrit recently, and I'm currently on episode 5, season 1 of Ripper Street & love him!

Fiction is a lie, and good fiction is the truth inside the lie.--Stephen King
