
Anyone else think this girl deserves an Oscar? From her incredible ability to change her accent, to her complete commitment to her characters. This girl simply stated, deserves an Oscar, and I can't wait for the film that gives it to her.


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One day...one day....she is one of the most overlooked actresses of the modern era. Brilliant, touching, moving, and cute as a button. She reminds me of a young Sissy Spacek. She seems to either have a brilliant agent, or is just a freaking genius at picking scripts. Those things all combined in one package. Just fantastic.



She does! Kelly's a natural, she's so believable in everything she does.

“The dove pursues the griffin, the mild hind
Makes speed to catch the tiger!”
--Billy Shakespeare


That's exactly what I whispered to my wife as we were watching "The Merry Gentleman". She truly is one of the greatest actors of her generation. My wife thought she had won for "Gosford Park", but I see that is not the case, but looking through her credits, I can see that she can disappear into a charactor so completely that you don't see her. And she is a genius at accents. I thought her Texas accent in "No Country For Old Men" was her real one!

She'll have a Best or Supporting within the next two years.
