MovieChat Forums > Kelly Macdonald Discussion > Terrible on Boardwalk Empire

Terrible on Boardwalk Empire

Terrible character on the show, terrible fashion sense (stop wearing those floppy hats), and just terrible overall. Then to compound things, I find out she's shown her tatas in multiple movies but refrained from doing so on BE? To quote that popular expression..."C'MON MAN!"


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Saw the show for the first time today and her accent is so bad everytime she opened her mouth I cringed! (and I'm Irish so I know what an Irish accent is supposed to sound like!



Do you find it even more offensive that a Scottish prude is butchering your native tongue?


No, I've got nothing against the Scots, just against bad acting!



How can you blame the character for her fashion sense? She's wearing the appropriate period attire, is she not? That's like watching an 80s movie and complaining about acid wash jeans. And somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure I saw her knockers on BE.

Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!


Funny, I think she's great in BE. One of the best among an ensamble of amazing actors.


After she appeared topless in The Girl in the Cafe she decided she didn't want to appear nude again in her films. The scene in Boardwalk Empire where she takes off her dress to show her naked breasts was filmed with a body double, hence the fact you didn't see her face.


That's really too bad she's decided to cover up. She's very pretty and something of an antidote to the blonde bombshells with their huge tits and Barbie Doll features.
