'Que Bonita'???

HI! im new at this but i absoultly LOVE Dirty Dancing havana nights 2 ...Deigo Luna makes it even better!! anywho i love just about everything...now make a cirlce come on a circle thats a box.....but i also likek the part where there just about to dance in the semi final part and he says que bonita (((think its how u spell it))) and i wish i spoke spanish but i dont and i liked to kno what it means...so if u kno please tell me!! wb

"u can do nothing..u can hide under the bed...or u can work thro the knots"


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The literal meaning for "Que bonita" in english is "How pretty". I haven't seen the movie yet (*smacks self* jeje) so I don't know how the phrase is used but that's usually what is meant by saying it.


thanx alot!!! u should see it its AWESOME!!


the way he says it he means "how sexy" or "sexy"

"there is no hope for our countries or our world if we continue down this path"


yea,,i thought so but i wasnt sure..thanx


Actually the person that said "how sexy" is incorrect. Que Bonita means How beautiful or how pretty... Sexy has nothing to do with the pharse. Do you really thing "javier" would say that to Katey? AFter what they are going thru? He respects her and it's also 1959...

He meant "how beautiful"

I agree, great movie!


I am portuguese so I know what this means.but everybody already answered.eheh.so I will not repeat.
