His Heritage
Can anyone tell me if Diego is a full Mexican, or just half??? Is there any proof in the internet about it?
shareCan anyone tell me if Diego is a full Mexican, or just half??? Is there any proof in the internet about it?
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shareHow can someone who was BORN in Mexico be "half" Mexican? Hmm... well, the majority of Mexicans are mestizo (mixed white and indian). 15% of the population is white (including Middle Easterners), 12% is indian and the remaining is black, asian and other. Diego is probably a mestizo.
share"How can someone who was BORN in Mexico be "half" Mexican? Hmm... well, the majority of Mexicans are mestizo (mixed white and indian). 15% of the population is white (including Middle Easterners), 12% is indian and the remaining is black, asian and other. Diego is probably a mestizo."
Sounds like someone is in a high school course or something. Are you serious though? Say an American married couple is on vacation in Mexico and the wife is pregnant. She suddenly goes into labor and they have the baby in Mexico. Now, in your world, that baby is full blooded Mexican. In the real world, we'd look at what the parents are... if both of them are Mexican-American, then yes, the baby would be. If both are African-Americans, then, no, the baby is not.
And yes, I am talking down to you.
Mexican blood? There's no such thing. And saying someone is "half Mexican" when they were born in the country is just ridiculous. That would make sense if the person was born in another country. But then again, the whole "half this", "half that" crap is stupid. Just say he's a Mexican of _____ descent or that he was born to a _____ father and a _____ mother.
sharejust because you are born in a country doesn't automatically mean you can call yourself a citizen of that country.
I should think it depends on what country this happens in. For example I live in the UK 2 of my friends come from Rwanda they are over here on a student visa. They got married here and had a baby. The child is not classed as British by the government, they are having real difficulty getting a UK passport for the child. In fact the child is under threat of being thrown out of the country.
In the UK, being called British depends on different rules one very improtant one is residency and for child appliactions where you parents are from. Therefore coming on your hols to London and giving birth to a child whilst you are there, certainly doesn't mean you are British.
I think one overall definition is where is Diego's passport from? After that you are talking about his decendancy eg mother is Canadian, father is Dutch.
F=M*Ve+Ae(Pe-Pa) -Yes it is rocket science!
We're actually talking about ethnicity here, not citizenship. But since you brought it up, yes, according to the Mexican government, anyone born on Mexican ground is automatically a citizen of the country.
shareI'm w/ this guy... my mom's maiden name is Moyers but my grandparents lived in Chihuahua until a couple of months before she was born... I don't consider myself German...I'm Mexican American... and citizenship is relative...I have American citizenship but I'm not Native American... and does it matter?... no one is purely one culture