MovieChat Forums > Ken Loach Discussion > Disgusting Anti Semitic views

Disgusting Anti Semitic views

Why does no one bring up about how he boycotts Israel and has stated that it is okay to question the Holocaust happened? Why does this loser get a free pass to make movies and no brings up these comments which he made?


Lol, I've also been critical of the Israeli government at times, but this guy takes the cake. He's obviously blinded by Marxist ideology. I love his comments about Israel causing anti-semitism with their own actions. I'm sure he'd call me a racist and Islamophobe if I pointed out that the likes of Hamas haven't done the Palestinians and other muslims any favours either.


given the history of the british labour party, this is no surprise.


Yeah, but why has he not been called out on it? How can someone even question the Holocaust and think they have moral or even logical ground to stand on?
