MovieChat Forums > Rush Limbaugh Discussion > The Leftists are showing what classless ...

The Leftists are showing what classless scum they are!

Rejoicing in the death of a great man. They all eat shit!



This guy who made it a regular feature on his radio show to mock the deaths of people he didn't like.

I hope he somehow hears the echoing laughter of derision and scorn wherever he is now.

It's only fair.


Cite sources please. If it was a regular feature you must have plenty of examples to share, right?


Here you go:



And this relates how?


Dementia Joe promised $2000 checks. So far they have not been delivered. China Joe is a liar.


OK... but that's not what's being discussed here. Go bring that up elsewhere if it's an issue for you.



looking like the checks won't even end up in our hands until April,
so much for fast tracking that shit


Sounds like the difference between the two parties.

With repubs: you get 0.01% of a wall on the southern border. Mexico won't pay for any it.

With dems: you get 70% of the check, and 2 months late.

I'll take the latter.


Snopes lmao... so no actual examples then. But it was a regular feature apparently, surely there are countless examples. Snopes is no authority on anything at all! Take your gaslighting bullshit elsewhere.


You'll just say it's faked so what's the point?

There's no smoke without fire, especially in the pre-internet days, but continue to worship right wing asshats if it makes you "happy"/angrier.


You haven't got a single example have you?


Did I claim to have?

I simply Googled it and a ton of results came up, which would be proof enough for most folks, but you have your agenda to adhere to n' all...


It's cool how your opinion is made by fraudsters who spend their donations on prostitutes, I can make my own opinions however and don't need to be told what the acceptable narrative is.

"Did I claim to have?"

Why else did you post Snopes in reply to my post asking for evidence? Are you mental?


You asked for an example.

I gave you an example.

You didn't like the example.

That's about it. Are *you* mental?


No you didn't give me any examples, all you gave me were more accusations.


It says 'fact check' in the link... but if you're suspicious of it that's your call to make.


A "fact check" by a failed liberal blogger is worthless, Snopes has been debunked sorry.


And the Daily Mail has been sued a gazillion times - apples and oranges.


Not one single example.


And here's your L


You're a bit of a prick dude, it must be said.


Eat shit you gaslighting cuck


Further proving it.


You got your booty blasted when your "evidence" got BTFO, deal with it


Happy to. But you're still a prick.


Boohoo reality bites cuck




Quality posts! That was sarcasm btw, I thought I'd better explain it as you're mentally challenged. I accept your concession, save your shitty replies as I am deplatforming you from my screen. You won't be making any posts of substance as you've already proven so you lose access to my screen real estate. Bye cuck


How *will* I cope?

Go have a cry about Rush. You'll feel better.




What was wrong with that segment? If it did anything it helped raise awareness in gays of the gravity of the disease that was at that time a result of their promiscuous lifestyle. If even one gay man heard it and then thought twice about going to turkish bathhouse or picking up some random guy for sex then it was a good thing. The truth isn't always a happy story, sometimes the truth is painful. Of course today we have the over coddled little pussys that can't deal with the truth and would rather suck on their mama's teats and whine.


The names of the dead were recited over a laughter track. Apparently.

It wasn't a message of 'be safe', it was laughing at their deaths.


So over the top, but not a single person named was hurt as they were already dead... so in bad taste but still shining a light on a problem. So again if it saved one gay man by having him think twice about making a bad choice wasn't it worth it?


You don't think their friends or family may have been devastated to hear people LAUGHING and celebrating that person's death? It's inexcusable. Dress it up however you want but it done out of undistilled cruelty.


I was around in the 1990 and the vast majority of gay men with AIDS were disowned by their families... maybe the shock of what he did managed to get some of those people that disowned their own sons and brothers to wake the fuck up.


You're clutching at straws. This was done out of anti-gay malice, not some attempt to help anybody, supported by the fact he later expressed regret for doing it.


No, merely forcing you to admit he regretted doing it. Now you can forgive him and move on.


I'm sure a lot of people sat in prison regret their actions, doesn't un-do the crime.


Now, I don't want to exasperate the situation further, but isn't the fact that he himself regretted it the answer to your question, What was wrong with it? It wasn't okay even in his own eyes.


You can regret doing the right thing. Regret only shows you weren't satisfied with the result of what you did.


you are a disgusting piece of garbage


Snopes is NOT a balanced fact checking source. This is well known.


It's actually NOT well-known. And I'd be seriously interested in what you think IS "a balanced fact-checking source," because if Snopes isn't, then I'd like to start using one that is. On the other hand, facts have no side, they're just facts.


If you actually listen to any political shows that are remotely centrist, yes, it's well known that Snopes isn't balanced, regardless if you are aware of that or not. Have you ever read snopes? It has heavily editorialized "facts" which isn't remotely a balanced way to provide factual information. Also, Forbes did an article years ago that pretty much sums up how shady they are. Unfortunately, I don't trust any one site to get the truth, and nobody should. Everyone has an agenda, even if unintentionally.


I notice how you chose to reply to me insulting you but you suspiciously ignored the post where you might have to prove your lies lol

We all know there's zero evidence of what you claimed and it's pure bullshit like 90% of your posts!


Yes you concede I get it, lmao


That’s a completely separate issue, rejoicing at a mans death is disgusting behavior but honestly I’m not surprised, the left has shown they have no decency or morals


It's not separate. What goes around, comes around.

You can condemn it if you like but the man did not ask for decency when he mocked the deaths and illnesses of other people. So he cannot expect to get it. And you must also condemn him if you condemn others for the same thing.


Cite sources, we all know you can't though lmao
You can't post a single example of what you claim. Fail.


And here's your L


So then I should rejoice when you die correct? After all what goes around comes around? Since Nancy Pelosi cited violence and got people killed that means she’s fair game by your logic right? Seriously man you are using bad behavior to justify bad behavior and now apparently his family is expected to just sit back and take it. You are a disgrace


I don't care what you do when I'm dead.

You're using bad behavior to ignore the reasons that Limbaugh is despised then adopting offense that anyone should do the same to him.


Not using bad behavior at all, just pointing out that you should show some decency to a man who just recently tragically lost his life and you would be pitching a fit if I said that about any libtard. You are a scumbag and have no decency at all, typical demokkkrat


Rush Limbaugh had no decency. He made a living out of it. That's why i'm comfortable giving him no respect. And watching you have a fit about it and excusing him of doing what I'm doing to him now.


Ok then I guess I should be happy that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead correct? I feel the same way about her that you feel about rush . I should also feel that way when Pelosi kicks the bucket right??? I feel she’s done nothing but condone hate and bigotry. The thing is whether they were good or bad people is totally subjective and you should either be wishing the best for his family or just not saying anything. Instead you are just spewing out hate, the same thing you accuse Rush of.


Limbaugh used his radio show to mock and celebrate the deaths of innocent people. So I feel comfortable with his death being celebrated. That's all there is to it.

You do you regarding all the people you don't like for whatever reasons. Sounds like you're asking my permission for some strange reason. As if you wouldn't if I showed the good behavior that you want me to display regarding Rush Limbaugh now that he's burning for all eternity.


No I’m asking if you would hold the same standard if I made the same comments about libtards as I think they are even more disgusting than you feel about rush, but the thing is you are too much of a coward to answer


I'm not playing parlour games and indulging in your what ifs in order to make you feel better about the behavior Rush Limbaugh displayed towards people's deaths and illnesses.


Yes but all that only happened in your soy-addled brain


Of course you won’t because you’re a coward and you refuse to apply your own standards to your own behavior


In this instance, my standards are Limbaugh's standards. I don't have to answer your chickenshit hypotheticals about what I think you should do in the event of someone you don't like's death.

You can join me right now in condemning Rush for how he behaved when people he disliked died of an illness or you can fuck off.


Got it, so you're a coward. You can't stand on your own two feet you have to deflect to other bad behavior.

I'm not doing anything until you prove that you actually have class, integrity and consistency and join me in condemning and calling for the impeachment of Biden, Harris and Pelosi all of whom literally murdered people last summer then hid behind myths and excuses of "systemic racism" and "peaceful protests". You can also admit that you yourself are guilty of the very thing that you accuse Rush of and that your moral authority is pretty much depleted. As well you can admit that if I said the same thing about RBG you would throw a hissy fit and start crying because you refuse to abide by your own standards that you set for other people. Your deflections are not only pathetic but they are also dismissed.


You can't even keep this conversation to the person in question. Just rambling about all your enemies.

I'm talking about Rush Limbaugh alone and how he treated people's deaths. You're the one deflecting to different people.

You can't even make an argument for why Limbaugh shouldn't be treated the way he treated others.


And I said that you shouldn't be bringing this up so shortly after his death, you should either be wishing the family the best or not say anything. You are just here to spew hate and bigotry and you can't even respect a man's tragic death. You are a complete and total scumbag. Bad behavior doesn't excuse bad behavior and now you've reduced yourself to the very same thing that you accused Rush of so therefore I should treat you the way you are treating Rush. That is unless of course you want to admit you're a coward who can't meet the standards you set for others or you admit that you are just as bad as you claim Rush is???


Wait till I'm dead eh? Then you can resume this shrill complaint.


OK then, you're a coward, got it.


You people just put up stooges so you can cry and pout and moan how bad everybody is toward you. Meanwhile your other stooges call Dems pedophiles or some bs. It's a sick game you people play.


What does that have to do with anything? celebrating a mans tragic death shows you have no class, there is no excuse.


Fake news and Leftist bullshit. I never heard him do that.



To be fair, I wish death on all of their icons. If George Soros was gunned down by MS-13 gangsters that jumped the border, I would probably literally laugh myself to death.


I would not laugh, but I certainly wouldn't shed any tears.



No way. Cancer's a bitch.


I’ll be honest I don’t really know squat about this person and while I never rejoice over someone’s death, after seeing the clip on the news of him mocking Michael J. Fox’s tremors and saying he was putting his Parkinson’s on for sympathy, I don’t really feel any sadness about it either. He seemed like a pretty unpleasant person.


Over a 30 year career and that is what you focus on? You aren't a random person from some country outside of America , you are a paid schill. The internet is full of tens of thousands of schills like you, scouring the internet, not so subtly pushing propaganda. At least this website is obscure enough that it isn't absolutely infested. Can engage with real people more often than not.


No, that’s just what the news story on Channel 7 news in Sydney focussed on, not me.

I think you need to look at who’s claiming that other people are schills before you judge who’s pushing propaganda.


I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are telling the truth. Why would an australian news outlet focus on an American radio personality, and of all the things they could have foucesd on, why would Channel 7 focus on that story? Who really owns channel 7 and what are their goals? Do you think they acqured these news outlets because they cared about the masses knowing the truth about the world? Doubtful. Cab you at least allow for the possibility these superwealthy acquired these "news" agencies, not because they cared about telling you the truth, but because they wanted to influence you? To get you to believe what they wanted you to believe so it would make it easer for them to achieve their endgame? Spend some time thinking about that.


Oh my God! The whole point of my original comment is that they DIDN’T focus on him, he was just a minor news story here and isn’t well known in Australia. This really shouldn’t be so difficult for you to follow unless you’re exceptionally dim.

And if you’re really interested in the machinations of the 7 network, do your own bloody research you donkey! Oh no, that’s a bit mean, here you go, don’t say I never do anything for you...


If it was a minor news story then the other user had a valid point. Given he wasn't on the radio in Australia their was really no reason to mention him at all, but when they did and the cherry picked one nasty thing he did then it was clearly done so for a reason. While I'm no fan of his, he also did some good things raising money for veterans and such, they decided to pick a bad thing and the only reason they would do that is to try and shape your view.


That is not what you said. You came here and piled on Rush without ever listening to a single show. You did it based on a single MSM news story in fucking Australia. In other words, you acted in a way we have always accused leftists of - depending on MSM/establishment to tell them what to think about every issue. Ever heard of the NPC meme? that's you. You know, theta and sigma are scientific/mathematical terms. Having them in your username suggests there is some rigor in your cognitive approach to things. I think you are misrepresenting yourself and should just change your username to something like NPC8345


I hardly β€œpiled on” him I made a simple observation that I didn’t know much about him and he seemed quite unpleasant from what I saw. That it caused you to go into a meltdown actually says more about you than myself. I didn’t say I was happy he died, I didn’t call him names, I didn’t even say people were wrong to be sad at his passing. You’re acting quite childish about the whole thing, like you’re ready to attack anyone who doesn’t fall to pieces at this news.

My username, which hardly has anything to do with the topic, is a reference to my favourite TV show, because in case you hadn’t noticed this is a movie/entertainment website. Perhaps you should remind yourself of that before you start ranting like Joan Crawford in a bad melodrama at anyone you identify as a β€œschill” or whatever other political assumptions you feel compelled to make.


I am so very disappointed your username is in reference to a television show instead of your profession as I hoped to be able to shame you into using some of that critical thinking ability that I assumed you had, but was choosing not to use. As I assumed wrongly about you, you assumed too much about me. I rarely have strong emotions in any direction, so I don't ever "meltdown". However, you are at the present moment exactly what I accused you of being - someone that depends on mainstream media to decide your opinions for you. If I seem frustrated, it is because I see this all the fucking time - people so afraid of being wrong that they defer to whatever they think the mainstream opinion is.

What I implore of you is to dig and find the truth about topics you choose to speak on and have the courage to profess your own opinions on a topic instead of relying on some know-nothing journalist to come up with your opinions for you. I can't keep up with this back and forth with you at this time, but I've decided you are genuine person and not a schill, so I won't block you and perhaps we can take this up at a later time and hopefully we can have a true exchange of ideas.


What ever you say, Joan


That is fine. I expected you would be a little salty. Just take my advice to heart and I promise it will change your whole life.


You obviously have a deep grasp on the term "shill." (sarcasm alert)


Lol, what a sensitive fanboy.


its not one story. its a series of stories, that one, playing laughing tracks while he lists people who died of aids, calling people sluts for wanting birth control (he got caught with a tonne of viagra coming back from Dominican

Its a classic case of using his power to shit on everyone and do disgusting things. hopefully his death was painful


Most guys over 50 use viagra mate. Even if you are younger, it helps you maintain your erection longer. Good for the premature ejaculators.


I wouldn't know but clearly you do. but again all this has nothing to do with disgusting nature of this scumbag.


Just an FYI. I was listening during that period so long ago. Rush was always complaining about the Left's double standards. I recall that MJFox was getting more and more politically active. He was treating his disease fairly effectively and was even acting at the time (LOVED him on the Good Wife). Yet when he would do a political commercial, his symptoms would be overly evident and much worse than any other time one would see him. They were definitely using his condition. This came at a time when the Left were criticizing the Right for using veterans for sympathy. Rush's commentary about the whole thing was just that. Noting the differences in MJF's behavior on camera juxtaposed to the claims of using vets for sympathy.

Politics is ugly and makes people ugly. Pointing out crimes makes you a criminal. Usually on both sides but in recent decades it is more like 70/30%.

On the topic: I take my politics a-la-carte. I'm closest to Libertarian but even they don't fully represent me. I thought Rush was one of the decent Right wingers and even grew to love him. One thing I learned is that he is not anything like what his enemies claim. That realization shed light on many things in life. If all the information I have on something comes exclusively from those whom hate the subject, then there is no way I have a clear picture. A lesson that most Rush listeners could learn as well. I am sad that Rush died. He was a huge philanthropist and helped so many people. I don't blame anyone for their behavior regarding his death. We all only know what we are told. I do know that in his last year he really pushed hard for creating a connection to organizations that hate him; he tried to create peace and open dialogue. If powerful people I dislike did that, I'd have a much better opinion of them.


like the making fun of Michael j fox, and lying laugh tracks while listening those who died of aids.

yaaaa. such an amazing person. totally nothing like his enemies claimed. soo moral, so pure. hopefully his death was painful and if hell exists hes there

HAHAHHAHAHA peace and open dialogue hahahahahahahha. I need some of that crack you are smoking. he made his entire career being a partisan shocking divisive figure


Thats what they do best, mock and incite violence.


Yes. The American Left is the second largest Hate Group in the World, second only to Radical Islam.



Said by the first largest hate group in America -- creatures like you.


He already said the first largest hate groups is radical islam, so your comment sounds fucking retarded.🀣


He was a pile of Republican dog shit. But I'm still sad he died. Call me what you will.


And Biden and Harris are Democrat piles of dog shit.



No argument here.


Guess everyone's dog shit. What a "party" this turned out to be.





They all probably haven’t taken the time to listen to his show and just cherry pick clips of things he said they didn’t like.


Those assholes have probably never even listened to a single show.



Liberals have been acting like idiots since Donald and Melania came down the escalator. Liberalism is a disease.


Yes it is a disease, and Leftists have been acting like idiots for WAY longer than that!



Yeah, just ask "I Don't Care" Melania. That's some inspiring stuff !! (sarcasm alert)


I’ll take Melania’s coat over a Democrat ANYTIME! I’ve seen, heard and been on the receiving end of plenty of racism and
anti-Semitism from Democrats/liberals. So, you know what you can do with the coat....?
