MovieChat Forums > Rush Limbaugh Discussion > Finally Oxycontin Rush is where he wants...

Finally Oxycontin Rush is where he wants to be ....



No, his name will live forever. Oblivion is reserved for classless little scumbag nothings
like you!



I'm sorry, who are you?


It is the fate that awaits us all, including you. At least Rush died super-rich and super-famous. He was 70, but probably still could have had perfect tens lining up around the corner and down the block to fuck him if that is what he wanted. Be content with your blue haired man-hating hog you soyboy.


Super famous? Well, if you say so. I’d heard of him but he was hardly a household name in this part of the world. His death was buried at the end of the news bulletin with less airtime than Serena Williams crying about losing in the Australian Open. I can assure you no one will be talking about him tomorrow, much less mourning his legacy, whatever that might be 🤷‍♂️


"this part of the world" More proof for the point. You aren't anywhere near America and have probably never been there, but you are chiming in on one of its radio personalities. Think about that for a moment.


I comment on any old shit in Trending, like most other people. Are we only allowed to comment on movies/shows/personalities from our own country on a global website? That seems like an odd attitude, and one I’m sure you don’t even prescribe to yourself.

It’s like if Andrew Bolt died and I claimed he was super famous. I think a WTF response from you would be understandable.


The only reason his death is getting this much attention is because of how many people hate him.


You are an American schill


Pretty talented of me since you yourself just five minutes ago assumed I’d never been to America 🤔

I’m Aussie, for what it’s worth. Sorry to have upset you by questioning this guy’s fame, but there’s really no need to be quite so precious about it.


I don't believe you. Why would an aussie (a) care about Rush Limbaugh, or (b) care so much to dig through 20 pages of google search to find an unflattering story? It doesn't make sense, particularly when we all know information warfare is being waged with an army of paid schills. I am not upset by you personally.. I am slightly troubled that I have to wade through an army of paid schills to have a meaningful online discussion with anyone. The internet used to be a great place before the power-hungry wanna-be oligarchs decided a free and open internet was too much of a threat, so they started deplatfoming those courageous enough to stand up to them (e.g. Gina Carano) and sent a horde of schills out to push their propaganda (you)

And if you aren't a paid schill (doubtful), ask yourself this - why are you on the side of the rich and powerful that want to conquer the world without firing a shot? How vulnerable are you to propaganda?


Ok you are clearly what we call in this part of the world as mad as a cut snake!

I couldn’t give a crap if you believe me or not. There’s like at least 20 people here who know me and know you are just embarrassing yourself now. If it gets up your nose to believe I’m a schill, then I’m actually pretty happy for you to think that. You can avoid me and we’ll both be winners. Byeee


I may be mad, but it doesn't mean I am wrong.


In heaven. Where will you be?
