MovieChat Forums > Judith Light Discussion > It is unbelievable to me...

It is unbelievable to me...

that Judith Light is only now receiving her first Emmy nomination. She is and always has been a great actress (sorry I don't watch Ugly Betty, though) and is especially memorable to me now on SVU. I've always admired her, so I'm glad she's finally getting recognized. I guess it would be easy to forget about someone as talented as she is because her heyday was back in the 80s on Who's the Boss, but the fact that she has gotten work on two of tv's biggest hits is saying something. I hope more people continue to realize what a talent she is.


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She won a Daytime Emmy when she played Karen Wolek (sp?) on One Life to Live.

You're the Boss and I'm the Nanny. You Give me a raise and I'll give you one.


She kissed Tony Danza on the Tony Danza show!?!? Her husband must've been PISSED!


it wasn't a pash or anything. it was just a kiss on the lips. On who's the boss? it was more full on, but that was just a greet. i greet some people like that too.



What does that have to do with the original thread topic? Nothing.


'Who's the Boss, but the fact that she has gotten work on two of tv's biggest hits is saying something. I hope more people continue to realize what a talent she is. '
But those hits wasted her, and perhaps limited her later. The money from the series was security,though.
