That lady speaking up at first did very well. Of course the gooney bearded man had to stand up and try and mansplain to the woman what a woman is. Sigh.
if we can just make up names for gender or whatever you want to be called. then I am a trans male lesbian binary robot android male.
only the 1% are concerned with gender definitions, the rest of us dont care. If Elliot thinks she is man, then let her pretend to be a man. if he is a man then he needs to be registered on the Selective Service System and be ready to be drafted at any time.
Federal Law requires nearly all-male US citizens and male immigrants, 18 through 25, register with Selective Service.
and who is defining what trans is? can anyone be trans? men can compete in womens sports but you dont see women competing in mens sports, why? because men and women are biologically different.
we might as well just have one bathroom, since genders dont matter anymore.
I'm 100% fine with one bathroom. Get rid of urinals and have stalls with floor to ceiling walls.
I don't have the answer to women's sports. There are women who have naturally high testosterone. Caster Semenya for example. She isn't trans and still got banned from certain events. Yes she is intersex, but so are a decent number of people in the world. The argument in the clip is that we aren't just testosterone levels, we are bodies. So if that's the case, women with naturally high levels of testosterone should be able to compete too. That's what the new studies that they are doing are for. Like I said, I don't have the answers. I think that it will get sorted out over time, and I hope that it's fair for everyone involved.
would love to have stalls with floor to ceiling walls. and get rid of that gap in the door too, nothing worse than someone jiggling on the door while peeping to see if anyone is in there.
intersex is different, people are born like that and sometimes doctors mutilate genital's. thats a whole another discussion.
maybe they should create another division of sports for trans people? I dont know either.
You should have at least watched the clip we were discussing before jumping in then. You're one of those 'jump straight to the comments' guys eh? Not making yourself look too clever there.
Got it. That is what makes up your biology. How does that make you a man? Or maybe the question that I'm asking is what does it matter what you have biologically if there isn't a social construct for it to matter in. You don't have to actually answer this if you don't want to.
When people define what makes a woman it's really frustrating to me, because biologically, what does it really matter? It's how we are treated in the social construct that matters. If we want equality, then male or female genders shouldn't matter.
Biology is what you are : male or female. Anything that happens later in life would be a social construct. If I walked around with a rattle wearing diapers, that doesn't make me a baby even though I was one at one point.
What does this have to do with you? Do you think that one's own medical team would not know that an individual was trans or not? That the scientific community would not take the number of men with ovarian cancer and the number of trans men into account when putting out these numbers?
Of course you can voice your opinion. I can voice my opinion as well.
You were defining what a woman was, I voiced my opinion on what you said a woman was. I think that what makes us who we are is a lot more than what we have between our legs.
I think that it's a really complicated issue that has many sides, and at least one side I will never understand. I just want people to be kind.
How many trans people have you encountered in the real world that it's such an issue for you?
And this is the first time you've brought up the sports thing.
This is a topic of concern. I think it's justified and it's one that needs looking into and I'm not sure that it will be settled anytime soon. As I posted elsewhere there have been females who have been banned (and some reinstated) who have hormonal and physical advantages. I brought up Caster Semenya before, and maybe I shouldn't because she is intersex. Let's not even talk about the indignity of have to undergo a genital check to make sure she was female, and let's talk about Christine Mboma and Beatrice Masilingi. Both female, both had naturally high testosterone. There were 5 women who were disqualified for their natural testosterone levels. In the video in the OP she says that women are more than testosterone. They are bodies too. So would she fight for these women as well?
I don't know what sort of advantage Lia Thomas had. If I was swimming against her, I'd probably be upset too. I don't have the answers for this. I don't know what to think, and I think that's okay. I can see both sides, and I don't have the scientific knowledge to say what is right or wrong here. I do feel sorry for everyone involved.
There is only one right side, and you don't have to have credentialed scientific knowledge to know with certainty which side that is. Regardless of artificially manipulated testosterone levels, Thomas is larger, has larger muscles, larger lungs, and a larger heart than the women he's competing against, in addition to larger hands and feet (which matter in swimming). He is a man, and will always be a man, and he has no business competing against real women (which can be defined and identified by anyone with normal intelligence, even without a biology degree). He should be reinstated to men's swimming, where he will once again sink into the abyss of mediocrity.
I'm sorry that I don't see the world in black, and white.
I do find it so interesting that so many of you on here, stoop to insults and passive aggressiveness when someone sees something differently than you. It's really sad, and telling of why we are in the state as we are as a society.
You can insult my intelligence all you want. It doesn't change the fact that even the scientific community disagrees on this issue. I've brought this up in another post that if it is just basic biology and that if humans are part of the animal kingdom, we can look at other species that aren't just penis = male and vagina = female. There are many species who's females have pseudo penises, and functioning penises. All female spotted hyenas have penises.
There are more than 50 species of coral-reef fish possess the ability to reverse their sex organs. Several types of birds, such as warblers and ostriches, grizzly, black, and polar bears, baboons, deer, moose, buffalo and kangaroos, have all had documented intersex conditions.
So, when I say that I'm going to leave the actual definitions to science, it's because there's a lot going on in the animal kingdom that I don't understand. Maybe it isn't so strange for trans people to exist. Who am I to judge? I choose kindness.
I feel for those swimmers who have to compete against Lia Thomas. I can also feel empathy for Lia Thomas, because no matter what she wins, or doesn't win, the majority of people will think that she stole those wins. I don't know if they are right. I know I'd be upset, but I also know that what I think and what I feel won't change a damn thing. But when you bring up hand and foot size, that is a slippery slope. What if a cis female had much larger hands and feet? There are women out there with size 12 shoes. Do they get disqualified?
The "scientific community" are only in disagreement because they are beginning to pander to woke politics, they are literally too scared to tell the truth for fear of being cancelled. Don´t believe me? Watch Ben Shapiro´s interview with Neil de Grasse Tyson.
Its not what he says, its what he refuses to say but being that he is still a scientist (regardless of the field he is an expert in), I think his silence on the issue is quite telling of a larger problem in the scientific community.
God is very real, He doesn't make mistakes, & He doesn't spread confusion, that would be 'the prince of the power of the air' - satan, who is also very real. Gender 'dysphoria' has a spiritual root, I know because I've suffered from it for over 40 years, and I've seen the very spirits behind the deception - 'unclean spirits.'
Every single day of my life for over 40 years I've felt trapped in a man's body, it's the most horrific thing imaginable, but a man I am, so each day I resist the confusion & the deception & trust in God.
This life is not the end, but merely the end of the beginning, into a much greater reality.
'Unclean spirits' take various forms, from a 'dark shadow' to manifesting more fully in a grotesque fashion, sometimes 'dog-like' in nature, always black, there is no *light* in them. They can't usually be seen directly, but out of the 'corner of your eye' in peripheral vision, where your eye can briefly detect objects not normally seen in the 'visible spectrum.'
A foul smell can often follow them also, sulphuric in nature, but unlike anything you've smelt before, 'putrid' is the best way I can describe it.
Such spirits often attach themselves to families & can pass from generation to generation, 'prayer & fasting' can drive them out, but 'they' can sometimes come back in larger numbers.
It's all very dark and exhausting, so I don't want to expose you to it too much, but just to say they ain't pretty!
Oh honey, that sounds absolutely terrifying! You must be a very strong person to be able to survive with those things tormenting you.
Having to be trapped in a man's body on top of that too?! Have you been able to explore that part of yourself much? Even just pampering yourself and wearing something pretty or painting your nails? Small things can be very fulfilling and I can't imagine a God that knows your daily struggles would hold that against you. I honestly can't imagine anything more painful than being trapped in a body that doesn't match who you are!
I've done quite a bit of research in early fetal development and how it shapes the person you are. Did you know that science has now PROVEN that transgender males have a female brain? Would you be interested in reading about it? It's nice to have some physical validation that what you are experiencing is legitimate.
thank you again for your kind words, it's very much appreciated x
The thing is, when you encounter 'spiritual warfare' the enemy will use your own flesh against you, so if you do 'pamper yourself' - he will then attack you with guilt and try to pervert it in distorted ways, so I never have any peace, it's constant torment.
That's why 'fasting' is a very effective weapon, because you are 'putting down' the flesh & raising the spirit. I fasted for 36 days, water only about 5 years back, but unless you pray continuously, which I didn't, then it can actually make things worse, with more of 'them' coming back.
I've been planning a 40 day fast for some time, again water only, but this time with fervent prayer, but I've been met with much resistance to get it started, but I WILL do it.
In regards to the 'brain' - I would love to read more, but, and this is where I may get alittle deep, but I was shown many years ago in the spirit, that the 'brain' is a actually a 'receiver' - like a T.V. 'recieves' signals, so are brain recieves signals (frequencies) from the spirit, - are true 'self' comes from the spirit, not the 'brain' - that's why satan attacks the mind, and not the spirit, he can corrupt the mind with lies and deception, but the spirit is more powerful than the *brightest star* - so he goes for the easier option.
I've wanted to 'go home' for many years now, it's a place of majesty, everything is made of *light* - EVERYTHING! ...the walls, the trees, the grass, even the food! In 'Paradise' you don't 'eat' food - you absorb it because it's *light!* I long to return there, as I've been attacked my entire life by all this, best way I can describe it, and this will sound silly, but it's like these wicked beings have all this time been trying to 'pull my wings off.'
So sorry for this long reply, but yes I would always welcome any input you have, I'm blessed that you even just replied.
...Oh yes, I of course agree, it's like a seed, you stick it in the dirt and out pops a flower, ...but for me, I see 'metamorphosis' when we leave our perishable bodies, rather than 'transforming' or 'transitioning' while we are in them, I've wanted to leave mine ever since I was about 5, I've always felt trapped & always had my bags packed ready to go, to this day I still live out of boxes, never been able to settle.
What you are sharing with me is sounding very familiar. My best friend in the whole world is a lovely gay man that has been my friend for over 25 years and he experienced something very similar.
It seems to me like you have an ability to really see the depth of both the beauty and the darkness of this world and though that is a gift it is also a curse as you well know being tormented by these spirits.
You have an artistic mind like my best friend, he saw an experienced things that were like living dreams and they made him the deep and incredibly complex person he is. He would often get overwhelmed by having this active and visual brain. After seeing him suffer for a very long time I finally managed to convince him to see a psychiatrist. I had been going to one at the time and it helped me understand myself so much! I can't even tell you how rewarding and interesting it is to talk with someone who has spent the better part of their life studying the brain. I felt instantly understood in a way that no one had ever understood me before.
Once I finally got him to go, it took a few visits for the psychiatrist to diagnose him with schizophrenia. I thought that he would be devastated learning that about himself but it turned out that he was really glad to have some answers about things he'd felt ALONE with for so long.
What you have been talking to me about reminds me so much of him, you use really visual language and I hope you don't take offense to me mentioning it because I feel this connection to you and I think you might be suffering from something similar. No one should have to suffer from the kind of torment you are going through!
I want you to experience the relief that I've experienced and my best friend have experienced by talking to a mental healthcare professional. It has changed both of our lives in such a positive way. Is that something that you could consider doing?
I really hope that you have some support during this,
I care about you sweetheart!
Sorry if I sound abit 'soppy' - but I've just read your reply, & am deeply touched by your kindness & insight, thank you so much.
I'm what you would call a 'Highly Sensitive Person' (HSP) - I know the term sounds silly, but it's a very real 'thing' - & as you have described with your friend, it does sound similiar. Being 'highly sensitive' means we are highly empathic, we see, hear, sense & feel things that most others don't, and you are absolutely right in saying that it's both a blessing & a curse. It can be the most maddening thing, because i write things down, or draw things that come to pass, months or years later, very specific 'world event' things that cannot be just chance, it doesn't scare me, but when it happens I suddenly feel very connected to God, like a form of 'validation.'
During my teenage years I visited a number of psychiatrists - but they had no idea of the things I was talking about, they referred me constantly, they loved listening to all the weird & wonderful things I talked to them about, but it didn't help me at all.
In terms of 'schizophrenia' - yes, been there with that as a teenager, at a time when I didn't know what I know today. What i do know today, is that all 'mental illness' has a spiritual root, which can in-turn cause varying physiological symptons in both the 'brain' & the body, but at the root it is spiritual.
Many 'schizophrenia' patients talk of 'hearing voices' - and these voices are real, but are from demonic spirits, often 'familiar spirits' - spirits that attach themselves to a family, and so can use the genealogy/knowledge of that family to torment someone.
I'm not saying 'psychiatry' cannot work, it can, as it did for your dear friend, but I've already been down that road many years ago. For me, it's been 'pressed upon me' constantly like a jack hammer, that 'this kind will only come out through prayer & fasting' - it really feels like my last roll.
How does someone else, living as a man, have anything to do with who you are?
Edit to say
I'm not trying to pick on you. It's just that you are trying to tell someone else what they are or aren't while saying that you don't want someone else to tell you what you are. It's frustrating that we are in this position as a society. Honestly, I don't care what anyone identifies as, or what they do to their body. I don't care if I have to change what I call someone. We do that to women when they get married. I really only care that a person doesn't hurt other people.
If you don't respect how someone identifies, then you do actually care. If someone goes out on a date with someone and doesn't disclose that they are trans that can be really tricky, and I wouldn't blame anyone for being upset when the truth comes out. You said
they can't be upset when I find out they were born male.
Why would they be upset about you finding out unless you weren't upset?
I think that that falls into the category of hurting someone, and I don't care who you are, don't hurt people. That would make them the jerk if they weren't honest.
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I meant they can't be upset if I dump them for finding out they were born male. Even if they told me in advance and I said I don't date transwomen, I would (by many) be accused of transphobia.
Not by me. We don't control who we are attracted to. Not wanting to date someone because you aren't attracted to them isn't whatever phobia. If you are a jerk and you belittle them for being trans, and you shit on trans rights. That's transphobia.
It's much simpler than even those on this thread are making it. It's ovaries and testicles. Nobody is born with complete working sets of both. There is a gender binary. And there are a few individuals who are combinations of both. But even they are closer to one pole than the other. There are only two poles.
Trans activist would say that you are forgetting that the brain can develop towards male or female after birth and that this is where gender dysphoria can happen.
Simple answer to that question: What makes a woman a woman and a man a man? They are both with their respective chromosomes and they don't have gender dysphoria and then transition.
Most these male-to-female transgender folks have normal male bodies.
Bruce Jenner was an Olympic athletic who won medals in male competition. That defines an individual with a perfect male body. I cannot believe the brain develops as female while the genitals and every other body part are perfectly male. Something is fishy here.
It is scientifically proven that male to female trans women have a female brain. It's really fascinating! Female and male brains work very differently and even 'look' different. Men have more gray brain matter and women have more white matter. They've had enough evidence at this point to include it in the statistical neuroscience manual.
It's trippy! It makes a lot of sense once you dive into the biotech library.
Well thanks. I am baffled by it. I'm also a little skeptical. Science has been known to make errors.
I remember the topic came up as to whether differences can be detected between the brains of homosexuals and bisexuals and heterosexuals. There have been studies which show this to be the case.
However, and it's a big HOWEVER. How do we know these brain changes weren't created by environmentally induced behavior? I mean I'm a guy and I like to fuck guys, so perhaps the behavior affects the brain after the fact. Behavior has been shown to change the brain.
Bottom line though, I still see genital surgery as a form medical abuse. If the brain is female but the body has a penis, the individual can still function as a woman with a penis. I have known transsexuals who are quite content with that and have never had genital surgery.
If gender is a social construct as the LGBT activists claim, then why change the body to conform to a social construct?
I don't blame you at all for being skeptical, that's probably the best position to take. Yes science has been known to make errors for sure but it's also the best way that we as a society have to figure anything out.
Well, as far as environment inducing behaviors, that most definitely has an affect on a person. If we are talking about brain issues it will always come back to those first three years of a persons life when that brain is building all of it's neurological pathways. So much of the research has concluded that the natal environment has a massive amount to do with how your brain will be fundamentally for life. It's all hormones in the womb, if you get enough testosterone to get testes but at critical points you get an influx of estrogen when the brain is forming you literally have a femanized brain.
Genital surgery, I can't imagine how desperate a person would have to be to feel as though they have to do something so drastic to their bodies. The fact that so many trans individuals want that is a real testament to how important it is for some people. I can't imagine how much it would suck to have a female brain stuck in a man's body or vice versa. It's got to be emotional and psychological Hell. Whatever they have to do to carry on living I can only wish them luck.
As far as gender being a social construct, I kiiinnnddd of get it, in the sense that society has such divisive male/female attitudes but to be honest I don't know enough about it to have any kind of opinion.
Okay, you have a fair assessment of this. I respect that. Like I said I'm skeptical of the science a bit in regards to female brains in male bodies. But I certainly bear no ill will towards transgender people. I've known a few and like all people, some are decent, and a few were absolutely horrid people. Lol.
Someone who identifies with the feminine side of the binary gender system.
The problem is, the liberals you are talking about don't typically agree with that binary system and instead opt for the LGBTQ+ alphabet you dislike so much. It was invented to cover all the facets that "man" and "woman" struggle to define.
The vast majority of transmen and transwomen don't actually identify as man or woman, but instead identify as trans. But what happens is the right forces them to pick from the binary system instead of from the LGBTQ+ alphabet because the right isn't familiar with it.
Now my challenge to you is to give an explanation how a girl becomes a woman and how a boy becomes a man.
This gender system is something you have invented to make a (false) point. There is only biological sex, gender expression and sexual orientation. Nothing else exists.
Or we could just call them sexes. Plenty of languages don't even have a term for "gender". The English language has it only because a long time ago people in England didn't want to use sex around children.
It's up to whatever culture to decide whether or not gender exists because it is a social construct.
Same thing as your name. Some cultures have first, last and middle names, some have just one name.
Some names have nicknames such as "Ben" for Benjamin. These all exist because society says they do. They don't need to be backed up by your DNA.
And again, nobody cares about transmen identifying as men. This backlash only pertains to transwomen because of right-wing bigotry towards two individuals with penises getting it on.
The expression from feminine to masculine is not a social construct. It directly stems from biology, hormones and wiring of the brain. There is no such thing as gender other than when it's invented by society as you have just admitted. Right now it only exists to justify the far left ideology. Other than that it serves no purpose in society.
Of course the right cares about women becoming trans men. It's even a bigger problem. What planet are you living on?
You can say boys and girls don't exist, but since our culture created those identifiable genders, they 100% exist, and you can't get rid of them until people stop using those terms.
If the right cared about transmen not adhering to their XX chromosomes, they would complain about this guy using the men's bathroom:
Boys and girls weren't created by society you idiot. They were created by evolution.
How many times have you heard about women harassing men in public bathrooms? There's your answer.
If you ask me women transitioning to men is even a bigger problem than the opposite, because it has skyrocketed in the last few years and appears to be almost entirely environmentally induced.
Nope. The labels of boy and girl were created by society. Just as society created the labels of babies, toddlers, kids, teenagers and adults. All of those are identities that bleed into each other without any clear boundaries because science cannot determine when one ceases to be one of those identities and begins to be another. That decision is left to society. And if society can't, it rests on the individual to choose when they can identify as that identity.
Whenever we hear about a woman harassed by a man in women's bathrooms, it's always by a man who hasn't actually transitioned. So instead of recognizing him as a fake transwoman, the conservative brain simplifies it to claim all transwomen are fake and none of them should use the women's bathroom.
Women transitioning to men will never be a problem for conservatives. Just like how conservatives don't care about lesbians. They only care about stopping people with dicks from doing it with other people with dicks, because the bible calls that one form of sexuality a sin.
Boys and girls are based of men and women and those were created by nature. Before a man grows up, he's a boy and that is based on physical age and development. The fact that there may be blurry edges is irrelevant. That is called a continuum fallacy.
There is no need for for a concept called "gender" in society. It serves no purpose than to justify the far left gender ideology which didn't exist before 2015 and society was perfectly fine before it. The only reason some people demand to be called anything other than men and women is because they want to be special snowflakes and be "cool" and "in". True gender dysphoria is severe physical discomfort on your own body and the desire to change it to another sex. Those that have it want to be called the opposite sex, they don't demand any special pronouns. I am not against rights of people with genuine sexual dysphoria, but I am against trans trenders.
I am not against genuine transsexuals (men who have actually transitioned into women and LOOK LIKE WOMEN) using female bathrooms and I don't think most people are. But liberals aren't even bothered when men wearing lipstick use female bathrooms and harass women. There is something severely wrong with that kind of person who isn't bothered by that.
You asked why conservatives aren't bothered by a trans man (woman who has transitioned into a man and you used a picture of a fully transitioned trans man as an example) using male bathrooms. Why should they be? This person is fully passable as a man and nobody is going to be harassed. Just like few people are bothered by fully passable trans woman using female bathrooms. Like you said the issue is with people who haven't fully transitioned.
The concept is a social construct. The physical difference between a baby and an adult is real and not just social construct. There is a clear and practical NEED and USEFULNESS for a concept called a baby, boy or a man. There is no NEED for a concept called "gender" as opposed to biological sex. My language has no word for gender and NOBODY misses it.
Nope, adulthood is physical and psychological. If adulthood was a totally social construct, paedophelia would not be immoral.
The idea people can just identify as different age are the most ridiculous thing that anyone has ever uttered. It is used as a parody of left wing views on gender by people like Ben Shapiro. But with you, you apparently hold them seriously.
If adulthood is physical and psychological, then what physical and psychological requirements must be met to reach adulthood? Quit dancing around it.
Everyone agrees age isn't a social construct. It's how long you've been alive. But if you were to say a boy becomes a man at age 18, that would be a clear example of a social construct.
Also, it takes more than just identifying as a man or woman. That's half of it. The other half of the criteria is for you to actively live in that role as a man or a woman. Which means any guy who puts on a wig just to enter a women's bathroom would not count, as he does not actively live as a woman.
A 6 yerold is a kid and a 30 yerold is an adult. Just because there are blurry edges does not mean age does not exist. This is called a continuum fallacy that race deniers also use when attempting to deconstruct race. The line between red and orange is also blurry, that does not mean colours aren't real.
And how can you prove that a guy who puts on a wig does not identify as a woman? The left are openly saying that you can identify as one gender one day and another the other.
The edges aren't just blurry, they are different for all people. That's why we use social constructs.
You don't go out to prove a negative. But you can try to prove a positive. Wigs aren't the issue. If she lives as a woman in her daily life, she's identifying as a woman. If you have no way of verifying it, I recommend taking her word for it. Because if you don't, you'll be falsely accusing butch lesbians left and right.
The left doesn't say you can identify as one gender one day and another the other. That's the right-wing take for the left not giving any time frame as none of those details have ever been hashed out. To get them hashed out, the right would have to get past the whole "trans people aren't real, they just have mental sickness" first.
Right so any man cnan can just claim that he identifies as a woman and we should let him into a women's bathroom. Recently one "transgender" impregnated two women in women's prison.
The only real transsexuals are those who have had gender dysphoria since toddlerhood. The only people who should be allowed to transition and accepted as a woman are those that genuinely feel severe discomfort in their bodies. Others are just fakes, period.
Yes they are literally saying that you can identify as one sex one moment and another the next. The left is pushing insanity cloaked under false "civil rights" pretence.
I wouldn't say any man can enter the women's bathroom. I would say the obvious men would raise suspicion.
But if we go banning it, it would either be a fake ban, meaning one that's not enforced, or we'd be wrongfully disallowing butch lesbians so often that the ban would be lifted.
There's no institution or ruling that gets you what you want.
My challenge to liberals is give me a definition of a woman that doesn't include the word woman (or female)
Yin in "yin and yang".
Yin: (in Chinese philosophy) the passive principle of the universe, characterized as and sustaining and associated with earth, dark, and cold.
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Transgender people do not exist, because there is no such thing as gender. And even transsexual people don't exist, because we don't have the technology to change someone's sex.
This guy you posted I assume is a trans man. The right opposes so called trans women to compete in women's sports because they have a biological advantage. Trans men have taken hormones which increase their performance in sports. So it's also unfair for this "guy" to compete in female sports.
You don't need the term gender to define so called gender expression. You could call it sexual expression. Or expression from feminine to masculine. Gender identity (which I would call sexual identity) is manipulated by society.
You're not expressing gender, you're expressing femininity and masculinity. There is no need for the term gender other than to propagate the far left trans ideology which came to existence last Thursday. My language doesn't have the term for gender and nobody misses it.
Identities are manipulated by society. There used to be transvestites who were mostly straight men. Now they basically don't exist anymore and are all Trangenders identifying as women or non binary or some other BS. That is because people are told they are different genders by this modern gender ideology.
As I said, transgenders identify as trans or somewhere on the TQ+ alphabet. They only identify as women when you corner them into the archaic binary system that most trans people don't agree with.
I see no evidence that the need to identify as anything other than man or woman is inherent or natural. Before 2015 all you had are gays, bisexuals and transsexuals. Everything else was invented for the sake of people wanting to be special and cloaked under fraudulent "civil rights" claims.
How come all the tomboys were perfectly happy to identify as women and be called with female pronouns for decades in a liberal society, but suddenly 6 years ago or so they suddenly want to be non binary and demand special pronouns? It's because they were encouraged by the far left ideology which spread on the internet.
I see no evidence that the need to identify as anything other than man or woman is inherent or natural.
If TQ+ is unnatural, then so is boy and girl since none of those are man or woman. For whatever reason, our culture doesn't feel it appropriate to call a newly born baby a man or a woman.
You don't know that tomboys were perfectly happy identifying as women since there was no other option. Tomboys are from an older era where there was no TQ+ alphabet. How are you so sure that if you introduced that alphabet to them in decades past, they wouldn't prefer it over identifying only as woman?
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I already debunked your nonsensical "boy and girl" argument in another thread. There is a very good reason society differentiates between boys and men and women and girls. It is based on physical and mental development. Those things are real and aren't just social concepts.
Camille Paglia has said that she is glad there wasn't any transgender ideology when she was young as she would have probably identified as trans in order to fit in with some community. Why aren't older women now coming as transgender or non binary? Why is the growth almost exclusively in millennials and Gen Z? It's because the young were marinated in this culture and ideology which encourages them to identify as something other than a woman (or a man). It is totally artificial.
The need for identity and the need to be "cool" and "hip" is at the very core of modern individualistic culture. Identity is no longer defined by your occupation or your family. It isn't even based on your ethnic group (unless you are non White in which case you are allowed and encouraged to have an ethnic identity). Therefore people seek identity. And when you have an entire culture encouraging the young to become part of the "cool" rainbow club, they go for it.
When do you stop growing? I've known people who kept getting taller well into their mid 20s. Does that mean they weren't grown-ups in their early 20s?
Of course not. They were considered grown-ups by 20, because it's our social construct to call them that. Had nothing to do with being biologically "grown up."
Exceptions don't disprove a rule, bimbo. According to leftist retards everything is a social construct and nothing is biological. Except homosexuality of course.
why are homos even debating what a woman is?!? they have no right at all!! if they wanna be sick in the head and put peepees in buttholes fine let them be sick degenerates, i dont care, but leave us straight normal people alone!!!
A bigger question is just how much the new medical ecosystem for transgenders is influencing public opinion.
There is a great deal of money to be made in this field, new careers created, new drugs to be researched and sold and new customers to be catered to.
This means cash inflows to a new field...lots of it...
So when you hear "new scientific research" being thrown your way on "what is a women?", the listener should take into account that the information just might come from people who stand to have a financial gain.