The 19th Wife

Is anyone planning on watching this? I work with the network and wanted to bring you all the info on it.. It premieres this Monday, September 13th at 9/8c and features Chyler as the childhood friend of a young man who has been excommunicated from their polygamous Mormon community. The pair reunites to absolve his mother of a murder she didn’t commit. Interested? Don't forget to watch this Monday!


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I'm watching right now. It's actually a good story and I like her character. A little hard to get used to Chyler as a blond although -- it does work for her.
It will be interesting to see who actually "done it".

P.S. - sorry, I guess she has ben blond for awhile -- I haven't seen 4rth (or is it the 5th?) season of GREY'S yet.


Watched it, loved it.

It said SUCK IT. -Glenn CT


Was interesting but average - kinda like an after-school special. I see most who read the book were pretty po'ed about the adaption. Haven't read it - so can't comment on the adaption quality.


Typical TV movie - low production, lack of any true artistic imagination (jeez come on director/writers - if you can't create even one transcendent/incredibly passionate moment in your project it's time to move on), and the returned son was gay in the book - so major anti-gay bash from me. As mentioned good thing was got a little bit of light on the b.s. that is polygamy and also most of the cast was actually good considering the material.


If I had 19 wives I'd want Chyler to be one of them!
