own stunts?

Did he do all his own stunts in G.I Joe and that like with the knifes and swords or did someone else did it.

Also is any of his new films going to be in english or a american film or what as he rocks haha.

Just curios


He did his own stunts.

As to his upcoming films, Iris: the movie and I saw a devil are probably in Korean. However his next movies in English will possibly be the sequels to G.I. Joe.

We'll have to wait and see. I don't mind either way as long as he continues to work.


In G.I. Joe, no.
Larry Lam was his Stunt Double.
*Info straight from the source.


Well, ok but he did the fight scenes at least because he discuss how he used Tae Kwon Do style to fight with Ray Park (Snake Eyes)for the film.


It was definitely a mix between him and a stunt double, with most physically gifted actors, that's how it usually is nowadays, even if they are able to perform everything. It's all due to insurance paranoia, etc. But yeah, he obviously has some kind of training, if you see A Bittersweet Life, he really shows off some decent kicking, especially in the beginning.

"Bulls**t MR.Han Man!!"--Jim Kelly in Enter the Dragon


Yeah, I know! He did some major a** kicking in A Bittersweet Life and the Good, the Bad and the Weird (well I'm thinking about one scene in particular).
