She's a strong independent woman. I wish the studios would pay women and girls like her more money
Don't you? They deserve it for all they put up with.
shareDon't you? They deserve it for all they put up with.
shareNo. She makes several million a film already.
Meanwhile there are women and men out there working in harder, less satisfying, and less glamourous jobs than her who are getting paid minimum wage.
Anyone who thinks these spoiled, entitled, multi-millionaire actors should be paid more is clearly an anti-egalitarian closet-Republican, no matter what they may claim on Twitter.
Do you think a truly socialist left-wing government would allow such a large wage gap?
Larson, you, and fellow elitists should join Trump instead of pretending to care for the common people.
It should be equal, sure. That’s only a sensible and fair thing. Or you know what... if she ends up “unfairly” making even more $$ than a number of A-list male stars, then good. If it triggers ghoulish whincels, well... excellent. ;}
Now cue the tired alt reich bullshit from loser chuds trolling this board 😴
'Alt Reich' implies fascism. Fascism is of the political right.
I'm objecting to multi-million dollar paychecks. I believe in a paycap. Arguments that belong to the far left.
It's sad that we've been so brainwashed by super-privileged millionaires into believing that they're 'oppressed' and progressive politics is about fighting for the very rich to get even richer, instead of demanding a rise to the minimum wage and a much smaller gap between the richest and poorest in society, as any true progressive should.
Yes, a gender pay gap is intrinsically unfair and unjustifiable, but whilst the left distracts itself with such niche concerns and identity politics that simply pit groups against one another in a fight for supremacy, we move further and further away from what should be the real progressive goal: equality for all.
Sorry if my desire in ending poverty and economic hardship for all makes me a 'triggered incel manbaby loser alt reich chud' but maybe you're the one who should be rethinking their priorities.
Don’t mind him, he is a fucking dumbass (read my comment below). You are almost completely right.
share « Now cue the tired alt reich bs from f’n loser chuds trolling this board 😴 »
Dude ... SHUT THE FUCK UP. He is right, it is fucking ridiculous to wish for multi-millionaires to get even richer. And nowhere in his fucking post does he give any importance to the fact that she is specifically a woman, so put your « Incel » horseshit deep inside your ass. I personally don’t give a slighty fuck about the fact that she happens to be a woman. I think that overall celebrities are overpaid.
This being sais, I don’t totally agree with MalkovichMalkovi on the equal salary part, because a gap in salaries is necessary. Otherwise, what would be the point of getting a better education if everyone is paid the same anyways.
However, his comment is generally clever while yours just sound like a butthurt little child who deliberatly insults people just to sound cool and edgy.
Annndddd... this bullshit post is obviously made by a woman. What about: we pay celebrities less overall? They don’t need the extra few millions which can be way better invested.
shareThat should be her agent's job. I never heard of her before CM but if she's getting a piece of the action, she should be doing just fine. We should all be so lucky.
This comment has to be a joke. No, You shouldn't get more money for "putting up" with things.
Jesus. What the hell is wrong with people?
In Hollywood, you should be paid for being a box office draw. If you put asses in seats, you will be paid for it. If we all got paid more for supposedly "putting up" with things at our jobs, we would all be millionaires.
I think you probably want to go hang out with the "free shit for everybody" Bernie Sanders crowd. They'll sympathize with you.
I can't face palm hard enough at comments like the OP.
more women should be working on oil rigs
we need equality !!