MovieChat Forums > Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Discussion > Felons Should Be Ineligible for Presiden...

Felons Should Be Ineligible for President

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has condemned Trump for being a felon when he is one himself, due to a 1984 drug charge. There ought to be a law that felons can't be president. Also, although Trump badly mistreated all three of his wives, he didn't drive any of them to suicide, steal her body away from her grieving family, and then rebury it in an isolated location in the middle of the night (although Trump did bury his ex near a golf club).


If we didn't let crooks run for office, who'd run the country?


You posted this in multiple locations bot.

Say hi to the senile pantshitters errrrr Hawktumala’s rectum boy.


It is true and relevant in every location. Posting more than once does not make a bot.
