Classic lines in movies and his is very memorable
I saw The Warriors in the theaters when it came out on a whim walking down Hollywood Blvd and came out thinking it was a really good movie and that one line stood out above the rest to the point where I was actually saying it out loud a couple of times walking down Hollywood and this guy walking passed looked over and said "Wasn't that a great line?".
I think and believe from the experiences I have had, limited as they are, with actors that all of them hope for one defining role or even a line for which they will always be remembered. Much like music stars who hope for at least that one song that will be a classic standard.
So irrespective of what else he has done I wonder if he thinks about that line in The Warriors that thirty five years later is still a part of the lexicon of classic lines and that he will always be remembered for creating it and then pulling it off so beautifully that even today all these decades later it is used and remembered in a variety of ways and everyone knows exactly where it came from.
They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety