MovieChat Forums > David Patrick Kelly Discussion > david mention on VH1 classics

david mention on VH1 classics

it started out with the metal show "40 greatest metal songs" it came to the song "come out and play" by the group "twisted sister" the vj had said that the band had contacted david patrick kelly to do the chant at the beginning of the song cause thats what the song was based on the warriors movie..anyhow it tunrs out that david did not want to do it and turned to offer down !!
it was nice to hear him mentioned for this .. take care..


I have listened to this song some times ago.


its a great song I have the cd and also saw them in concert but I didnt know about david being asked to do the voice , that is so cool I dont think he wants to be bothered with the whole warriors thing.. oh well ..


Exactly! It s great he was being asked and he didn't agree..!


What , no one likes Needamyer from Animal House doing it?
Yeah it is kinda lame now that I think of what It could be.
Im gonna go put on the tape.


what david did was and will always be a classic!!



Did Twisted Sister offer Kelly any money?
