MovieChat Forums > Dakota Johnson Discussion > Blonde or brunette? Which do you prefer?

Blonde or brunette? Which do you prefer?

I think blonde in this case? Can't wait to see her in this. She's kind of unknown until this comes out. I can't recall her in anything but I'm way into it.


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Blonde. She looks god-awful in that brown wig.




She's hotter as a blonde.


Brunette! She looks like every other boring blonde!


She looks like every other boring blonde!

Wow, you sure smear with a huge brush!

Some of us think that ALL brunettes look dirty, like cheap tramps and trailer trash, and redheads have "thick, fat, white, skin (like a boiled chicken).

Clearly, blondes are lovely, innocent, cute, adorable, intelligent, more highly educated, slimmer, more fit, beautiful, stunning (and easier to find in the dark).


Or, perhaps we could cease judging people based on their hair color? And stop making ridiculous statements like "blondes are boring!"


She looks way better with dark hair. Not to mention her main pic on IMDB is extremely unflattering. Bad hair day for sure.


Wow, you sure smear with a huge brush!

Some of us think that ALL brunettes look dirty, like cheap tramps and trailer trash, and redheads have "thick, fat, white, skin (like a boiled chicken).

Clearly, blondes are lovely, innocent, cute, adorable, intelligent, more highly educated, slimmer, more fit, beautiful, stunning (and easier to find in the dark).


Or, perhaps we could cease judging people based on their hair color? And stop making ridiculous statements like "blondes are boring!"


So you think your statement is smart? It actually sounds stupid. Two wrongs don't make a right my dear.

I got Auburn hair and added highlights, All Brunettes look like a tramp and trailer trash? You are the first to think Brunettes this way. Unfortunately you turn out to be not classy.

And by the way, I never heard of Men who hates "dirty tramp" or the impression of it kind of type, unless Men are Gay or Dead, and if that's what it takes to be a bomb shell Brunette and that counts towards central Asians from India, Pakistan etc, far east Asians and Blacks, not only Caucasian, that is over half the world population.

The world is as full of filthy tramps then, including the Nuns with dark hair underneath, yes I am being sarcastic.

Don't lower yourself next time
