I feel bad...

It's kinda funny actually but I quit watching Growing Pains when they brought her on. She just annoyed me. Her voice, her hair and just her character in general. I was pretty young though too.
Now she's a swan, per se, and I feel bad.


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You should feel bad, I just saw the movie Otis, she's HOT.


Well, I wasn't that young and I agree with you. I thought her character was really annoying too, those curls alone made me roll my eyes. She was the new cousin Oliver, a kid with cutsey, witty lines to spout off like she was some mini-adult. It probably was the writers' faults too, but she came off as a typical processed sitcom child. I also dislike most actors under 15 (don't get me started on Dakota Fanning).

However, I saw Nearing Grace recently, and she has become quite lovely.

This is Dorsia?


You can hardly compare with Dakota Fanning. I agree that Dakota is nauseatingly trained for interviews, but this kid is crazy talented. She's even praised by her very seasoned co-stars. So..I'm gonna have to say that you don't know what you're talking about. Let me guess...you hate Elijah Wood as well!


is this Ashley Johnson lol?

This is Dorsia?
