Mary Jane Watson

With her physical appearance and likable personality, she would have been great as Mary Jane Watson, in the Spider-Man films with Tobey Maguire.


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I disagree. As much as I like her, she fits the bill much less than Kirsten Dunst did.
Of course, she only did a mediocre job, except for one line. "Go get 'em, Tiger."

No no, there's no way you can cast a Mary Jane that will resonate with the male demographic.
Doesn't matter who it is.

It's like converting a beloved book into a movie. There will always be people who say "the book was better."
What they're really saying is that "my imagination is better than a movie, and I don't want to let go of that."
And they're absolutely right.
Hence, the whole casting conundrum of Mary Jane.

:Army of the Damned, prepare to board Heaven!
