MovieChat Forums > Katharine Isabelle Discussion > Her career has gone nowhere

Her career has gone nowhere

After Ginger Snaps, I thought Katharine was heading toward stardom. Sadly, she hasn't seem to do much of anything since then. Too bad.


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Don't be so bloody patronising!

I'm sure the original poster knows her career as well as you.

He has a valid point - her career has gone exactly nowhere.
It is sad as lots of people expected more, but true. She has made some bad decisions, given some seriously variable performances in recent years, has obvousily alienated herself from some studios, and the end result is she is reduced to playing supporting role (in a tacky, made for DVD release movie) to a 15 year-old whose regular MO is playing supporting role to another 15 year-old who wouldn't even be where she is unless her daddy was famous!

History tells us, almost without exception, unless you've made it way before you reach her age, you never will.

The poster was right.
Unless you have something intelligent, unpatronising and valid to say, say nothing should be your rule of thumb!


She is now what about 26, she could still become more famous.
I have seen Ginger snaps, Last Casino, Insomnia and Freddy vs jason. But I have also seen ogre (or at least the first 15 min of it)
Straight-to-dvd movies are probably done by everyone but she needs to make good movie otherwise she may as well quit. (or just do more theather and what not)

About the belief thing: what belief, what beliefs exactly? not posing nude and such? If so I do not think posing nude will help her career. Acting in decent movies wil help her career.

"She's gone a lot further in TV and movies than I'll ever go"

That is not really a valid point, basicly it just means someone is more unkown than she is. Here in holland we have a guy who plays in a lot of commercials for a supermarket, and is more wel kown than she perhaps will ever be. It does not say anything....


She might as well stay in Canada. All she does is alienate everybody that has ever gave her a job and worked with her by calling her roles *beep* she has gone as far as she is going to go.

Don't be surprised if you don't get invited back to dinner if you urinated in the soup bowl the first time were invited. Her *beep* comment didn't just apply to her role,but to the writers,the director,the producers,and her fellow actors.

Call me a pessimist,but that ain't no way to make friends and build a career.
