MovieChat Forums > Sarah Hyland Discussion > Wears To Much Makeup

Wears To Much Makeup

At the VMAs (2014) her face was caked and that lipstick...terrible for her. She should stay natural.


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Her: toO much makeup
You: missing an "O"


Exactly. It's almost clownish. shes a naturally beautiful girl she doesn't need all of that makeup. Im guessing shes one of those you cant tell her anything. She won't believe otherwise. Like those women who draw their eyebrows on and just don't realize how bad it looks.


Wears To Much Makeup
That has no meaning in English. Try again.

I delete all private messages without reading them, so don't waste your time.


Don't be a troll. You know what I meant. Probably messed up from typing too fast, I usually proof read before posting. Oops


I agree. I saw her in the Domino's ad and thought it was for Sherwin-Williams.

She's a lovely young lady and should let herself be one. She doesn't need half the coating she puts on herself.


I usually proof read before posting.
Not this time. "Proofread" is one word.


Holy *beep* no one cares...
