it doesn't fit, Carice speaking English
Dutch film trailers:
it doesn't fit, Carice speaking English
Dutch film trailers:
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shareThat looks great!!!
Darryl + Ali B + Soumia + Babel = Eeyeeyo
Looks like a promising movie. :)
From what I can see Carice's acting is superb, it's just her English.. it's horrible. :/ Absolutely terrible, she doesn't sound native at all.
Too bad, but I agree with yorsta's comment on her English. It's obvious she's Dutch. Dutch people just can't speak English with the right accent.
shareThat's not true! There are some Dutch people who can speak with a very good British or American accent! I know several of them, actually! Some people have an aptitude for accents!
Carice, unfortunately, is not one of them....(yet?!)
Looks like a good film. Too bad Carice's English isn't believable at all.
- -
Ad augusta per angusta.
Looks good! Will this be released in the States, if not already?
Edward + Bella=sex feathers
Nature did not betray
The heart that loved her
She plays a Dutch psychiatrist her English doesn't need to be at all believable.
I think she did this because she had to... Like you said, she plays a Dutch person.
I think she could do a great american/english accent if she had to...
Darryl + Ali B + Soumia + Babel = Eeyeeyo