MovieChat Forums > Tom Hollander Discussion > *SPOILERS, KINDA* Tea drinking

*SPOILERS, KINDA* Tea drinking

Did anyone think it was hilarious, where Beckett just kept drinking tea at crucial moments? I completely love him ^^


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Oh I loved that too. There were many funny moments in the film, but they were some of the more subtle ones...


Drinking tea while sailing a ship that's about to go to war?


I didnt really like Beckett in the 2nd Pirates, but in the 3rd i thought we was pretty good.

Jack Sparrow: "Up is down"? Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful


I agree. I found that highly amusing as well. I've always liked the character, though. He's just so calm and cruel. It's great.


Tea solves ALL problems...or at least makes them go away for a while!

The lil hand says its time to rock and roll!


Yeah he is the best. I believe he did not die and will come back in the forth movie! *eye twitch*


I love his tea-drinking. He likes lots of sugar. And has very pretty china that Davy Jones breaks!
And if there IS a fourth, he MUST come back. As must Norrington.

Dark of the Matinée
