New Moon

In New Moon, I always think he should be one of the Volturi, particularly Aro. He may look too short to play Aro, but the way he plays cold and calculating characters with a very elegant, sophisticated charm makes him suitable for Aro.


I kind of agree with you there. I agree about the height issues *has flashback of Tom Hollander versus Keira Knightley in POTC* but he can definitely do the cool and calculating act, and his voice is actually just how I pictured Aro sounding.


I'd rather Tom not be in a Twilight movie. The first one was bad enough, I don't feel like sitting through another.

Nothing that happens on Earth is unknown to Santa Claus!


If they pull it off better than the first one I agree that Tom would be a really great Aro!

"It is not enough to like a film. You must like it for the right reasons."
- Pierre Rissient
