MovieChat Forums > Tom Hollander Discussion > Anyone seen him in The Soloist yet?

Anyone seen him in The Soloist yet?

What did you think of his performance in the Soloist?


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LOL, anyone else?


Just seen it. He looks as if he was posing as Rick Astley in a Mountain Gear Co-op ad. And his hair made him look like a Sunday Morning teleevangelist. He munch on his top lip most of the time, he looks cute but most of all with what he has to do ( which is nothing much...given the screen time) he is wonderful. I don't know what I can say beside that I was surprised by the film and that everything was top notch. But I am freaking tired that anytime I cry after seeing a movie by Joe Wright. That guy knows how to start a flood with my lacrymal glands.

" There are waterslides in New Glasgow. Those are fun."
