Knowing and seeing are different things, but I believe they knew.
In America today we know that people are tortured at Guantanamo. We know INS locks up innocent citizens and deprives them of their rights, sometimes for years. We know Trump used Border Patrol to kidnap citizens and violate their rights. We know George Bush ordered the illegal seizure of private property. We know there were border camps where families were torn apart. We know that police kill more citizens than citizens kill police. That one of the biggest expenditures of police departments are the lawsuits over citizens being deprived rights, wrongful deaths, wrongful killing of animals, destruction of property, planting evidence, and just general misconduct and criminal behavior by police. In some places the birth defect rate is 1 in 3 children because of toxic waste. We know all of that and more and do nothing about it, the politicians do nothing, and the media ignores it.