So how many refugees are you and your wife housing Simon?
You hold a sign up and your wife has a message "Let them in" at the awards, just curious as to how many of you Hollywood elites are going to actually house refugees.
shareYou hold a sign up and your wife has a message "Let them in" at the awards, just curious as to how many of you Hollywood elites are going to actually house refugees.
sharemy guess would be zero.
All Hail Zorg
So, I finally got the message. Now I need to send mine. No more TV or movies for the year. I will evaluate after a year but something tells me I'm not going to miss the garbage we have been served this year along with a side order of politics. Check out the sales of this year's Super Bowl if you're wondering what an unofficial boycott can do.
shareLeftists have lost their minds. Yet what he did last night was with out a doubt the funniest thing he ever did. TV Gold.
A few years ago he bought Charlie Sheen's mansion. If he still has it then they could probably host a dozen migrants.
shareSeriously, they want to bitch about letting in refugees then they should host a few families. So sick of these of self righteous celebrities.
sharei've personally stopped watching shows that feel the need to spew their liberal bias garage, i'm just about to extend that to actors and their shows.
I've never witnessed such hypocrisy amoungst a group in my life. I'm waiting for the backlash this creates. They need me to watch so they can get paid, i'd love it if they had to get a real job. Then maybe their views might sway.
All Hail Zorg
Well he pays the taxes, just seen he got a new house, man I would kill for some hit TV show money, I live in poverty
gotta say the profile pic is kinda funny, he was howard and this picture is black n white all serious