11 more days...

....and this discussion will disappear forever.


Hopefully he will be one of the last celebrities to die before these boards are gone. Probably not the very last the way things have gone these past 14 months.

My vote history: http://us.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=9354248


I'm confused as to what your bizarre hope is? That no more celebrities die after these boards are gone?

Or that no celebrities dying during the last days of these boards would significant somehow?

The existence or not of these discussion boards has no importance or impact on the real lives of celebrities.

With bizarre attitudes like yours, it's a good thing they're going away.


I still can't believe this. And I don't understand why. Is there any place on the boards where this is being discussed?


Is there any place on the boards where this is being discussed?

lol! Good one!

**~Not my circus, not my monkeys...~**


I wasn't even joking. I haven't seen anywhere.


It's right at the top of every message board thread. If need be, here's the link that goes in depth.


Apparently not.
