MovieChat Forums > Kevin Hart Discussion > They are trying way too hard to make him...

They are trying way too hard to make him happen

The industry hypes certain people up, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. He is funny, and being short is a part of the gimmick, but the audience needs to find a rapport with the character. They put him in anything and just hopes it works. Nothing is really sticking, imo.


He is awful in my opinion. Can’t stand him.


I overdosed on Hart's "charm" a few movies back. Mostly by luck he's been attached to some good box office movies so they're going nuts on trying to make him the next Eddie Murphy and milk a decade of hit starring films out of his ass. But it ain't gonna happen. Part of Hart's persona is being very obnoxious and annoying and that's great for an ensemble cast, but it's not so good for a leading man.

But hey, you never know. Unlike some I think picking him for a remake of Scrooged is an interesting idea and if they put the same sort of heart into his character that they did with Bill Murray's take, that could really open some doors for him.
