More popular: Dave Chappelle or Kevin Hart elle-kevin
Post by abjordans on 13 hours ago
I am having an argument and would like an outside opinion. At the height of their popularity, who was more famous between the two? I prefer Chappelle in every single way and think he is MUCH more talented, but my argument is that Chappelle really only had 1 year of huge mainstream popularity before melting down and appealed to a pretty narrow demographic. Meanwhile, Kevin Hart has very broad humor that takes less intelligence to enjoy, making him appealing to a much wider group of people. Plus, Kevin Hart is a legit leading man and bankable movie star at the box office, while Dave Chappelle was never able to achieve that. I feel, for better or worse, that Kevin Hart is more widely known than Dave Chappelle.. EVERYONE in the discussion tells me I am wrong, despite most falling back on Dave being BETTER, not more popular. Which do you guys think?