Roses are red violets are blue
James Gunn is a pedo
You know it too
he is not pedo quit using those old tweets against him he is happily married to Jen Holland bring on Superman:Legacy the Superman Movie we've been waiting for.
sharelook, I'm a right wing republican, but he's not a pedo. Any critical thinking adult would put his comments in the proper context and not make them a big deal. The right has gone at him with a gotcha moment that isn't warranted because the opportunity presented itself rather then true outrage, but it weakens our stance to cling to things like this, and brings us down to triggered lefty snowflake levels. The left has plenty of legit shitheads with legit bullshit to criticize without making something that it isn't a big deal. Take down the liberals that actually do genuine harmful shit, and it makes us conservatives seem to be the level headed party, comparatively.
shareTake down the liberals that actually do genuine harmful shit, and it makes us conservatives seem to be the level headed party, comparatively.
no you conservatives are harmful this statement is BS Eff you Gunn is a Liberal
His unsavory, lewd comments surely don't flatter him.