MovieChat Forums > Anna Gunn Discussion > Great Actress, Bad Fans

Great Actress, Bad Fans

When I read the commentary on Anna Gunn here and on the rest of the Internet, I am almost ashamed to call myself a fan of Breaking Bad. I haven't seen this much disgusting, ignorant, hate for an actor since Andy Kaufman's bad-guy wrestler days. Anna Gunn chooses challenging roles for any actor and judging by the scat some of these troglodytes decide to throw at her for it because they are stupid enough to confuse a character for the actor portraying that character; her main misfortune is an overabundance of talent and bravery. Stop smearing a great series, a great character, and a great actress with your ignorance, you morons. If you are too stupid to tell the difference between an actor and a character they are playing stop watching films and television. Go back to counting your toes and laughing at your own tub farts because you are too stupid to enjoy modern popular culture. Breaking Bad is perhaps the first series of its caliber offered to basic cable subscribers which is perhaps the problem; up until now the price barrier of HBO shows has kept most of the grotesquely stupid from ever experiencing those series that are clearly beyond their intellectual grasp.


You lost it at the Andy Kaufman reference. Go buy yourself a rocking chair and chase kids off your lawn old man.


FYI: Anna Gunn, not Skyler, wrote a New York Post article scolding fans of the show for disliking a smart independent woman. She basically told everybody that they're sexist pigs for not liking her character. As if there isn't any other reason to dislike her character than because she doesn't agree with Walter.

I know you agree with her that everybody who watches BB is either sexist or a moron.

However, I disagree. I know this sounds crazy, but I believe people who watch TV actually know it's not real. I know it sounds ridiculous to you, but I believe people who watch BB really do understand that those aren't real life characters...that BB is a fictional drama, not a hidden camera expose of crystal meth dealing.

I know, I sounds far-fetched to believe people understood television BEFORE they had the pleasure of it being explained to them by you and Anna Gunn.



The OP is talking about the people who confuse the actor with the character. You're talking about a different set of people. It's called a strawman, which is a logical fallacy and a dishonest form of argument, which nullifies everything you said.

I choose to believe what I was programmed to believe


Goughrew, you're a moron. I don't care if you dislike the character, disliking the actor for playing a character is what I'm talking about. Learn to read.
