mixed race wtf?
i heard he was mixed raced, looks pretty white to me
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shareif u google his name and 'mixed race' you'll see there are plenty of interviews where he outs himself as mixed race. doesn't surprise me any. i really like the ambiguity of his character Combo's motives in This is England. amazing movie for that.
edit--to clarify, his grandfather was jamaican/black and his father was mixed race. so he's 1/4th black. he is passable for white, but you can tell something is "in the mix".
Just because people look white doesn't mean that they are. There are several people that are mixed race and mixed nationality. (Not to get all scientific ) The colour of your skin is dependent on your chromosomes. The dominant allele within your chromosomes contain the gene which a person will inherit, that's why some childen with parents of different races will look more white or black than their siblings. It's not just as simple as Black, White, Brown or Yellow.
You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity
Steve's father (I believe) is black and so is his step father. Steve lives next door to my girlfriend and his stepdad, mum and half brother regularly visit.
shareIn the DVD commentary for This Is England, Shane (Meadows) mentions that Stephen's father is Black, and he had a hard time doing the racial slur scenes.
You're just a freak...like ME!
We ALL came out of Africa. We're all black. Let's just get used to it and put the colour charts away.
But, I don't think he's all that pretty.
Interesting background information.
Thank you for sharing.
Um, no. Though they do trace the earliest of humans from the continent, those of us with white skin who are decendance of Europeans are caucasian. Any connection we caucasians have had with Africa has been so diluted over hundreds of thousands of years, it's barely there(unless you want to break down our DNA to it's minimum).
Nothing to get used to.