HOLY CRAP! I just realized he was the tit from Snatch!
He's such a bungler. Then he's a bad ass on Boardwalk. I never put two and two together. Phenomenal acting!
shareHe's such a bungler. Then he's a bad ass on Boardwalk. I never put two and two together. Phenomenal acting!
If you haven't seen his performance as a racist skinhead in 'This is England' you are in for a treat. I think it's the best thing he's ever done. Dude can act.
Man will never be free until the last king is strangled by the last priest
I just recently saw Snatch for the first time (loved that film). Yeah, he was great in that one too. And such a completely different character than in say Boardwalk Empire.
And very sexy guy.
Glad he's getting work.
He's so small, can't see him passing as a tough guy. Needs to stick to the side kick roles
shareHe's so small, can't see him passing as a tough guy.
Is this an assumption based on his physical height alone, or have you ckecked him out in anything like "This Is England" or "Boardwalk Empire"?
He's definitely not as tall as other men (actors), but he has the acting skills, range and great screen presence.
"Though she be but little, she is fierce!" Replace she with he and it describes many of Graham's characters very well, haha. He's tiny, but he can portray a kind of volatility that is frightening, no matter what his size. Look at Joe Pesci.
shareMy mind was blown the other day when I realised this too. Maybe it's because he as younger and had a little more hair but I never put two and two together.
shareAnd THAT makes him a great actor my dear!