Is Lauren married?
Does anyone know if she ever got married? She is so beautiful its hard to believe she isn't married and has no kids. Its weird, but I always thought that Rory could have actually been her kid.
shareDoes anyone know if she ever got married? She is so beautiful its hard to believe she isn't married and has no kids. Its weird, but I always thought that Rory could have actually been her kid.
shareshes not married, but i hope she does get married because lauren deserves it i hope she has kids or atleast adopts.
simpson homer simpson hes the greatest guy in history
Deserves kids? What a horrible thing to say!
Kids are God's punishment for sex!
"i hope she has kids or atleast adopts"
when you adopt you do have kids. you are no less of a parent or a mother. your kids are no less your own.
if you had said "i hope she gives birth or at least adopts".... well i would still be offended by the implication that adopting is not the real thing and not to be desired. but it would have been more accurate
to adopt IS to have kids
ps- and marriage is not the key to happiness. a man in your life does not necessarily a fulfilled woman make.
"Deserves kids? What a horrible thing to say!
Kids are God's punishment for sex!"
lol. I kinda like that
Thanks for hitting us with the politically correct stick....
Lauren being married, that sounds like a couples of her and me together but it might happening just me and lauren she might get married with me' on april 2
how does this sound Mr. Jean Marc Graham , Ms Lauren Graham
Jean, BULLSH*T! She doesn't know you at all! You idiot.
shareChill. I don't think that the poster meant anything negative about adoption. Being overly sensitive about the subject is what makes people get iffy about the subject in the first place! Worrying about things that are not definitely meant to be offensive makes people not want to talk about the subject at all, for fear of accidentally being offensive.
This is how I read it: "I hope that she either passes on her genes, or if not, that she at least has the thought to adopt." Some people don't consider adoption at all. It isn't for all people, just as having biological kids isn't for all people.