Yeah - still going here. When I get to stories about Maggie the dog - please shoot me.
Another one - he likes to dance. The reason why I find this adorable is that most english men make a beeline straight for the bar rather than dance. They have to be dragged to the floor kicking and screaming even for the last grindy slow dance. Apparently not so with Matthew. While filming Stoker he took Mia Wasikowska dancing every saturday night to get away from the dark material they had been filming all week. "Matthew Goode and I would go off dancing at a honky-tonk in Nashville called Robert’s Western World. It’s the kind of place where everyone’s up dancing, grandparents alongside young people" (Source : Evening Standard and other papers). and from a syndicated interview -
"Apparently, you and Matthew Goode had some fun when you were not working…
Yes. I loved him. We just had such a fun time, especially as the film was so serious. It was good to have somebody around who was a riot and who was completely silly when we weren’t filming. We had a ritual on every Saturday night of going to hit up the honky-tonk bars, because we were shooting in Nashville. We would do our rounds of a couple of the little honky-tonk bars where they had country music playing and dancing so that was always fun. It was brilliant. We ripped it up".
Would love to have been a fly on that wall.
Of course she doesn't say anything about the quality of his dancing. As a very tall guy with big feet it's surprising that he's avoided looking like a giraffe on ice when he has had to dance in films. Maybe he's OK then.
Gotta love a guy who dances.