I want him to win so bad

Have gringo's arses pressed af .... AGAIN


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Tough s * * t. Miller was the better director and race has nothing to do with it.


Miller is an amateur compared to Alejandro. Alejandro will own yet another pale gringo's butt... 2 years in a row!!


Yes. Iñárritu is such an auteur. Such an auteur, he had to rip off Terrence Malick's style to convey his filmmaking for "The Revenant". Like I said, "The Revenant" is Terrence Malick for people too stupid to understand Terrence Malick.

And again, this has nothing to do with race. You are the one making it about race and completely ignoring everything else.

"She's going to win on her first try." - The difference between Leonardo DiCaprio and Brie Larson


Malick is HIT OR MISS at best. Unlike all-fresh Iñarritu, Malick has plenty of "rotten", insignificant movies in his resumé.... check his Rotten tomatoes profile... oh yeah. and he owns ZERO academy awards, unlike three times Oscar winner (soon-to-be FIVE TIMES Oscar winner) Alejandro G. Iñárritu.

Miller is a stupid white man who made an action flick.... like there aren't THOUSANDS of people doing the exact same sh1.t


Are you generally a little racist skank or is it because you desperately want Iñárritu's dick in you that you give Charlotte Gainsbourg's character from "Nymph()maniac" a run for her money in terms of shameless thirst that you can't hold an actual conversation and rely on half-formed "opinions" just because you won't be happy until you choke and break people down into thinking Iñárritu is the best without using well-researched examples and not just something you can use off a five second Google search?

"She's going to win on her first try." - The difference between Leonardo DiCaprio and Brie Larson


So, for you, this is all about race? And Terrence Malick has never directed a film as bad as "Birdman."


Such an auteur, he had to rip off Terrence Malick's style to convey his filmmaking for "The Revenant"
well said.
