MovieChat Forums > Alejandro G. Iñárritu Discussion > Semi-OT: The scourge of Iñárritu critiqu...

Semi-OT: The scourge of Iñárritu critique that is beautifulbarbiegirl

I make it no secret when I’m online and happen upon here (or the page for “The Revenant” or anything involving Richard Linklater), I LOATHE this vil perra with every fiber of my being and own up to most of the comments I have on this page that consist of verbally chastising her relentlessly. I have my issues with Iñárritu winning Oscars (especially the second one), but I do think he’s an excellent filmmaker who’s directed a number of my favorite performances (Barraza, Keaton, Del Toro, Bardem, Watts and even DiCaprio, though he’s pretty faaaaaaaar from my favorite) and films that I’ve seen (“21 Grams” was in my top 10 of ’03 and “Babel” and “Birdman” were both my runner-ups for Best Picture in their respective years). Until beautifulbarbiegirl came along and really sucked the joy out of appreciating his films. That she has to make EVERYTHING she posts about revolve around the race and nationality of those she chews out reveals not only her blatant racist tendencies, but reasons that say why she has no business being on IMDb in the first place. She’s not on here to talk about actual cinema and when she does actually talk about film, it’s just as a crutch to attack other films. That she constantly uses Oscars to justify whether they’re valid films and filmmakers or not is genuinely pathetic and revealing of what an ignorant neophyte she is to cinema. I question if she's aware there are filmmakers of other nationalities besides Mexican, American and black. Yes, I’m a white American male of Mexican heritage, but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying and appreciating the cinema of Alfonso Cuarón, Ana Lily Amirpour, Ang Lee, Hou Hsiao-hsien, etc etc etc.

Even her name is hypocritical. She’s so antagonistic and hateful towards Americans and yet she uses the name of the most famous symbol of feminine “white privilege” as her screen name. If she wanted to make a statement, she’d have Teresa in her name. She is an embarrassment to our nationality and she’s an embarrassment to the idea of cinema critique altogether. I would block her, but I’ll be honest: it gives me sincere pleasure to talk down to her and watch her revel in her repetitive ignorance and I hope everyone who comes into contact with her ultimately does similarly until she either leaves IMDb for good or grows up and realizes her arrogant behavior will one day get her into trouble.

* and as a bonus just to piss her off, “Everybody Wants Some” currently has a 93% on Rotten Tomatoes. Looks like it’ll possibly be another Linklater film that ends up with a consensus over 90%. So that’s eight for Linklater and two for Iñárritu.

"[Redmayne] is so thirsty for awards and not in a fun way but in a sad, desperate way" - Twitter


I dislike some americans, they mess with us all the time but that doesn't make me a racist (reverse racism isn't a thing)
I know some of the European/asian directors that you mentioned.
I don't have a problem with asians and not all europeans screw us over. By the way, "Teresa" is just as European as "Bárbara" (aka Barbie)

And finally.
..Richard Linklater is a terrible director. Where is his Oscar? I don't see it. Only one if his many bad movies was nominated for best picture. Only because of the tiresome gimmick he used


What did I tell you last month? This isn't "Dear White People" and you're not Tessa Thompson, so stop trying to deflect the spotlight from pointing at you by saying "reverse racism doesn't exist." It doesn't matter if it's direct, indirect, reverse, forward, it's all racism and all of your posts on these boards ARE flat-out racist - need I dredge up that you called Beyoncé "mulatta," which, in a number of circles, is still considered a derogatory racial term - because of your obsession with sticking it to "gringoes" through Mexicans winning Academy Awards. I can't even begin to describe how horrifyingly shallow you are - but I'm still going to - that you have to measure a filmmaker's quality by how many Oscars he or she has. Not how the film is seen by you or how it affects you, but what a jury of their peers who are influenced through marketing say. By that line of thinking, Clint Eastwood is a better director than Alfred Hitchcock and Akira Kurosawa combined because of how many Oscars he's won. If you actually used IMDb for what it was meant for instead of using it to sling petty insults at other films and filmmakers, maybe you'd actually have a good time on here and meet some nice online people who like ideas and passion about film. Instead, you have to burn bridges the second you pop up because of your misplaced arrogance. And good for you that you don't "have a problem with asians and not all europeans," but that doesn't excuse your actions or behavior.

And no, Linklater is not a terrible director and his gimmick would be "tiresome" if all directors had done it before him, not just Michael Apted and a British documentary series. If he truly was a terrible director, he'd be nominated for Razzies every single time he makes a movie by default, like, I don't know, Uwe Boll. You only think he's a terrible director because he was up for all those accolades for "Boyhood" the same year Iñárritu was nominated for "Birdman". The same reason you lash out against George Miller this year. You go after both of them because they were the favorites to win Best Director their respective years until Iñárritu took the televised awards by storm and then flaunt your arrogance by making derogatory comments about their skin as if being a certain color is a crime. Not even Linklater and Miller. You did the same thing with "The Hateful Eight" because it came out the same weekend as "The Revenant" and if the frontrunners had been Wes Anderson and Tom McCarthy in 2014 and 2015, you would have pulled the same crap there. If Cuarón had lost for "Gravity", you'd probably be railing on David O. Russell for winning over him, although, in true irony, I would be there alongside you because Russell is trash. Stop thinking you're smarter than you are. You're more transparent in your intent than 99 Cent Store plastic and just as lousy.

"[Redmayne] is so thirsty for awards and not in a fun way but in a sad, desperate way" - Twitter


you called Beyoncé "mulatta," which, in a number of circles, is still considered a derogatory racial term

I am aware of that. But why? It only means she has mixed heritage, what's so derogatory about that? I wanted to prove a point and it has been proven, thank you!

And good for you that you don't "have a problem with asians and not all europeans," but that doesn't excuse your actions or behavior.

I can do and say whatever I want. Freedom of speech baby


Oh for fuc... because it was used as a way to demean people of mixed heritage for eons. Maybe that's why? It's life if I sat back and let "friends" of mine refer to my ancestors as "Micks" and "wetbacks". It may be a different time, but words like that still carry a pretty damn demeaning history to who they affect.

And again, good for you that you have "freedom of speech." Again, don't be surprised if you get constantly called out for it because of how derogatory your speech is. I mean, I have seen administrators deleting your posts, so that has to say something about you and your choices.

"[Redmayne] is so thirsty for awards and not in a fun way but in a sad, desperate way" - Twitter


Oh for fuc... because it was used as a way to demean people of mixed heritage for eons. Maybe that's why? It's life if I sat back and let "friends" of mine refer to my ancestors as "Micks" and "wetbacks". It may be a different time, but words like that still carry a pretty damn demeaning history to who they affect.

Mulatto is just like mestizo. Why is one term accepted and the one is considered racist? hypocrisy much?

And nope, not many of my posts have been deleted. Only one of them was and I bet it was you who reported it lol


I don't hear people using "mestizo" in a derogatory way the way "mulatto" or "mulatta" has been used, both in past and present forms. If people used "mestizo" as a way to demean people of mixed Hispanic/European as commonly as "mulatto" has been, then you'd have a case. You don't have one, so again, stop playing victim and realize people don't like you because you're a confrontation AND racially motivated ass. If I was a betting man, if you were on AwardsWatch, this would be you by the end of a week:

"[Redmayne] is so thirsty for awards and not in a fun way but in a sad, desperate way" - Twitter
