MovieChat Forums > Alejandro G. Iñárritu Discussion > Is he the best Latino director alive tod...

Is he the best Latino director alive today??

Is there any competition? I am genuinely curious about this because it is very clear that the Latino demographic is one that Hollywood does not really care for, and I want to know what are the best Latino directors out there today?


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The only competition would be Guillermo del Toro and Alfonso Cuarón, but Alejandro's career is much more consistent.

There are many good directors in Latin America. But the fact that this guy (Alejandro G. Iñárritu) could succeed in such a racist/anti-Mexican environment (Hollywood) is outstanding


I like Alejandro Jodorowsky as well, even if his movies are very special.




There's this Mexican director that makes VERY quality films in Mexico named Luis Estrada. Search him up and watch a few of his films. Hes not as known to an American audience like Alejandro but hes up there without a doubt.


Cuaron has Children of Men and Gravity under his belt but I'd give the edge to Inarritu.


Jodorowsky is one my favorites!

But all of these are fantastic! Inarritu is holding it down.


Not even close. I don't really see anything special on Inárritu. Cuarón and Del Toro are way better. Then you have Reygadas, Ripstein, Jodorowsky, Lucrecia Martel and a bunch of other filmmakers doing important films.
