
eeek, everytime I see him I just am embarrassed for him! Is such a jobbing actor also...don't prefer him.


I couldn't disagree more. He one of the most incredibly talented actors out there.


I completely agree with sarzy2.
Iain is one of the most talented and gifted actors of his generation.
Iain has worked on stage and screen for years and is considered to be one of the finest actors working today.


Oh go away...


He's awesome, he is scary as *beep* even when he isn't supposed to be. Something about the dude that no other actors really have... gotta appreciate the guy. Awesome in GoT... but Resident Evil, Darkness, so many things... he's a really good actor... I shall disagree with the original post!


I think he's terrific. I know him best as Jorah Mormont, but will be looking for him in other things. I can't imagine him overacting, not at all.


Whut? Maybe in other roles but certainly not in GOT. One of the things I like most about Jorah Mormont is how composed and laconic he is. He can stand and watch a situation unfold in silence and you still know exactly what he's thinking and exactly how close the person being watched is to imminent danger. He only speaks succintly and only expresses emotion physically when driven to, that's why his words and actions are precious. When he speaks you want to listen, when he moves you're transfixed. He plays a seasoned fighter with aplomb and he can convey a wealth of emotion in just one step forward or one outstretched hand.

As for being a 'jobbing actor', well, that's what most actors do. Only the select few at the top can afford financially or professionally to do one film every two or three years. And not all actors want to be at the top, some want to maintain some semblance of a normal life, or at least balance. Iain has kids, including two young daughters. He isn't necessarily free to go off thousands of miles for 10 months at a time for the bigger roles. Plus, many actors choose to keep their schedule open for stage work and that means taking small jobs instead of bigger ones.

The mirror... it's broken.
Yes, I know. I like it that way. Makes me look the way I feel.
