MovieChat Forums > Gael García Bernal Discussion > So, he's kind of the subject of two blin...

So, he's kind of the subject of two blind items now...

These two foreign born actors seem to have always been the best of friends. Whether just hanging out or co-starring together, it just seems like where one goes the other follows. Both are critically acclaimed actors and are beloved in art houses. Both of them even look similar to each other. Friends of he pair think they are also going to die together. Always casual heroin users, the pair has really started using heavily to the point where they cannot miss a day without going through withdrawal. This is proving problematic on their current press tour. Look for it to be canceled or shortened or done entirely from one country so they don't have to worry about finding drugs. -Crazy Days and Nights

Celebrities don’t always have it easy, you know. As is the case with Britney Spears, a competent assistant is a valuable commodity, especially one who won’t sell you out and will still pick up your dirty undies.

But picking up panties is one thing… picking up your drugs is another matter entirely. What’s a highly regarded actor to do when he can’t pay someone to pick up his drugs??? Especially when he has such a voracious appetite?

Given recent events, you’d think he’d know better… and while I can certainly sympathise with a serious addict, how can you sympathise with someone who would rather compromise an employee than risk getting caught?

At least own your own sh*t, you know?

But it’s all about the image isn’t it? He is an acclaimed artist, who is involved and informed and aware, idolised by some for his impish good looks – a selfish junkie isn’t usually what comes to mind. Those in the industry however have surely seen him openly spread his blow all over the dinner table, at any given party, and put half of it into his brain. So brazen is he that he used to carry his stash on his body while travelling, tucked into a coat pocket, cavalierly going through security.

Over the last three months or so however he’s suddenly become a lot more paranoid. And so the task of transporting his happy across borders has rested on his personal assistants. It took her three carries before she finally put her foot down and refused. And got fired for it. The girl who took her place made it only once before quitting herself.

He’s still looking for a replacement.

Substance abuse is one thing. Allowing someone else to take the fall for your addiction is another. Selfish prick. -Lainey Gossip

Gael and Diego were the most popular votes for blind item #1.
Gael was REVEALED as the subject in blind item #2 a while ago, in 2008.

I'm scared for him! The second blind item was from 3 years ago. It's making the possible current situation look very dire. I'm really, really hoping he and Diego are not the answers to #1. To be honest though, Diego has been looking really rough lately. :/



I hadn't heard the term 'blind item' before. I really hope that neither of this are about Gael or Diego. Really depressing if they are.
I'm a fountain of blood
In the shape of a girl


Well the second one is definitely Gael. I hope the first one isn't, but it sounds like the writer is implying that it's he and Diego. :(



I didn't read it carefully enough first time, probably because I wanted to remain in denial about the truth. I'm shocked and the stinging remarks about his selfishness are apt.
I'm a fountain of blood
In the shape of a girl


I really don't want to believe it could be about them :(
they are both fathers now with two kids of their own! you really think they are doing drugs???? that shocks me and puts knots in my stomach.
Diego always sounds so happy to be a dad - I can't see him having a drug problem - I just can't!! would he be hiding it from camila or is she in on it too?

As for gael - I don't know. If the 2nd item turned out to be true of him - i hope he's cleaned up his act now that he has two kids since 2008 (when it was allegedly revealed as him).


can I also ask when the duo blind item was posted? what year or was it recent? What press tour was the one that would have been cut short? do blind items ever eventually get revealed or are they just there to make you go crazy? Who were the other couples that were on the lists that it could have been?
(sorry so many Q's! lol)

I went to bed but couldn't get this all out of my head and had to come back. I think recent pics of Diego in 2011 - seems he looked fine to me, I dunno! Who can tell?

Also I don't judge people really when it comes to drugs - i've been there done that and experimented in my younger partying days (i'm 28 now). but i've never done heroin :S not sure why that would be the drug of choice.

I dunno I guess i see paparazzi pics of the two of them with their kids and how happy they are (particularly diego) and how I know he had wanted love and a family for a long time and he got what he wanted so I just am surprised drugs would be in the picture at all.

i still don't want to believe that blind item could be them. :/
