Finally, someone who understands physical comedy!
From the time that John Belushi left "this stage' until now, there has been a large (no pun intended) whole in Hollywood films in terms of true physical comedy. Some will try to argue that Jim Carrey is a great artist in this form, but his is so forced. The same was true with Chris Farley. He had skills but so much of it was drowned out by his screaming through scenes.
But I believe that Nick Frost has this gift, one that we don't see as often as great dramatic actors or action stars.
Some of my favorite examples of his mastery...
In "Hot Fuzz" when he walks out of the pub, drunk, near the beginning of the film
Also in "Hot Fuzz" when he tries to follow Sgt. Angel in the fence jumping scene.
And in "Shaun of the Dead" when he plays video games as a zombie.
Those are just a small hint of his talent in this regard and he does it seemingly effortless. Perhaps that is the secret to mastering physical comedy... don't "try" to be funny just let it "fall" out!
"He's not Judge Judy and executioner!"