MovieChat Forums > Laura Fraser Discussion > Laura Fraiser Farted!

Laura Fraiser Farted!

She was very pretty and attractive in "A Knight's Tale". I fell in live with her. But, what was really cool is, if you watch the very end where they are all sitting around, she lfts up on her hand and cuts a grinding fart. Didn't expect that from such a pretty girl


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Yeah, pretty girls have no holes on their bodies! That really makes them usseles, don't ya think?


Troll topic.
Leave now.
People who post Gay topics here are indeed GAY. Admit it, if you think celebs are gay, so are you.


What are you, the internet police? You can decide which topics are fit for discussion? You must feel very important. I don't thik I will leave, but thanks anyway.

Now, in all honesty, when you watched the ending (where they were all sitting around farting and playing), didn't it surprise you to see Laura's character join in and fart that grinding fart? Wasn't it cool?


Dang, ain't you smart! Let's see, you think that I think that Laura Fraiser actually farted at the end of "A Knights Tale"? No, but her character, Kate, did. And I thought it was funny and kind of hot and suprising, because I never would have expected Kate to fart in front of the others. I loved her character and it was just cool.

Your Foolish Troll,
