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Democrats urge Senator Franken to quit amid groping claims

Seven victims of the Frankengroper monster.

Democrats urge Senator Franken to quit amid groping claims:

In statements released almost simultaneously on Wednesday, a group of Democratic lawmakers said the embattled Minnesota senator must step down.

In a statement provided to BBC News, Mr Franken's office said the senator "will be making an announcement tomorrow".


he should run for office as a republican and get trumps endorsement.


More likely he'll continue the Democrats work and join the KKK...


"More likely he'll continue the Democrats work and join the KKK..."

That makes no sense at all considering the KKK loves what Trump and the Republicans stand for today.

Says it all that the Dems are rejecting one of their kind for icky sexual behavior and the Rethuglicans embrace candidates who are far worse.


What the Republicans stand for today?

I'll tell you what they don't stand for: convincing me and my family that as a black man I'll never get along without social programs. My first big break as a college graduate came from a rich white dude Christian Republican, and he rode my black ass like he owned me and my grandmother. When I got over my indignation, I found he treated everybody not pulling his weight the same. I became a managing director for a big company thanks to him. He believed I could do the work and not have my hand held.

Look at the big cities. Nothing but an entitlement hell brought to you by the Dems. I don't know if they think we're not as good or if it's intentional, but there are generations of blacks who have no hope thanks to them.


"Look at the big cities. Nothing but an entitlement hell brought to you by the Dems."

I live in a big city, cupcake. It's great. Living in a Democratic controlled state and city, like I do, means a great standard of living with better education, great services, lots of things to do, and a better economy that feeds the rest of the nation. Live in a rural area and state controlled by Rethuglicans, and you are most likely poor, under-educated, lacking in health care, and you get supported and assisted by the tax dollars guys like me provide.

Glad to help. We're in it together.


Like Detroit, Chicago, etc? What a moron!


"Like Detroit, Chicago, etc? What a moron!"

Only morons like you cherry pick the data. The facts show that the standards of living are better in Democratic run states. Cry about it all you want.


"The facts show that the standards of living are better in Democratic run states."

One of those bullshit claims that Democrats throw around in their echo chamber, but never back up with actual stats.

First of all, note the dishonest deflection from cities to states. "Look at the big cities" becomes "Democratic run states", as if he's actually addressing the point.

Secondly, your claim doesn't fit the statistics:

Best-Run States Are Heavily Republican, Study Finds

The ten most financially sound states in the country are all heavily Republican, while all but one of the ten worst states are heavily Democratic. That’s according to a ranking of states in a new report from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University
The report -- “Ranking the States by Fiscal Condition” -- used official government data to measure the states’ ability to pay short-term bills and meet longer-term obligations, such as public pensions or health care costs, using five separate measures.

And this:

Red state economies based on energy extraction, agriculture and suburban sprawl may have lower wages, higher poverty rates and lower levels of education on average than those of blue states — but their residents also benefit from much lower costs of living. For a middle-class person , the American dream of a big house with a backyard and a couple of cars is much more achievable in low-tax Arizona than in deep-blue Massachusetts. As Jed Kolko, chief economist of Trulia, recently noted, housing costs almost twice as much in deep-blue markets ($227 per square foot) than in red markets ($119).


"One of those bullshit claims that Democrats throw around in their echo chamber, but never back up with actual stats. "

i note with great satisfaction and no surprise that your metrics consist entirely of factors that have nothing to do with standards of living. My point stands: blue states are much better to live in than red states.


"i note with great satisfaction and no surprise that your metrics consist entirely of factors that have nothing to do with standards of living."

I guess reading with comprehension isn't your forte?

And I note you've presented nothing to support your bullshit claims. Or any defense of your deflection from cities to states.


I am sorry, but unless you have been very few places in this country,you would know that one of the legit knocks with democrats is how poorly cities and states are run with them in charge. Thats not to say there are not rich people areas to live that are ok. But for lower middle class to the poor, not great at all, particularly the poor who are stuck in a cycle of poor schools, poor employment opportunities and assistance programs that exacerbate the problem and politicians that take advantage of these people to stay in charge while doing little for them.


"I am sorry, but unless you have been very few places in this country,you would know that one of the legit knocks with democrats is how poorly cities and states are run with them in charge."

Your delusion has been duly noted.


Well I live near the reality of it, sorry the truth is too much for you to accept. Instead of trying to protect your preferred political party..or any party for that matter and perhaps hold them to a higher standard rather than blind obedience and support?


I live not near, but in the midst of the reality, so you can keep living in your idiotic brainwashed dream world.


lol So for you it must be nice. There are nice areas in DC and Baltimore too..than there is the rest of the people that struggle..but they are likely not the kind of people you care about, out of sight out of mind I suppose.

But for someone like me that has been in different parts of the cities, the parts you probably avoid and thus think don't exist, they reality of the issues those people deal with can be staggering.

Keep your blinders on, as long as you are happy I suppose that is all the matters. Have a nice day :)


Cynical move that is only happening because 1) they are desperate to stop Moore and will use this as a bludgeon and 2) because there is a Democratic governor in Minnesota who they know will appoint another Democrat.
