A good man getting flak from a FOX News employee who said
1. Franken supposedly forced his tongue into Tweeden's mouth when they were doing or rehearsing a skit.
2. Franken took a picture with his hands hovering above Tweeden's breasts.
This is the great Republican false equivalency that is supposed to balance out the fact the Roy Moore was having multiple affairs with underage girls when he was in his 30's.
Look at Tweeden's IMDB page where it is listed she worked for FOX. Also modeling since graduating out from high school. That is OK, but I wonder if Tweeden was honest and had to list all the times she had every been REALLY harassed, where this terrible trauma with Al Franken would rate on the list.
For instance, how many times was she groped by people who actually touched her.
Anyway, the main point is that this is from a Republican friendly operative in a mad dash attempt to neutralize all the Republican monkey business by FALSE EQUIVALENCY.
Also, it is so hypocritical because the Republicans are the ones who always claim the moral high ground, and closeness to God.
I am disappointed that Franken would open himself to such nonsense and give the Republicans the chance to make him the bad guy when he so clearly is not. Can't wait to see what happens and have to hope that Republicans don't get away with this and Americans see them for the lying Republicans have made their trademark.