MovieChat Forums > Michelle Fairley Discussion > Fairley cast as Catelyn Tully

I'm not familiar with her work, but look wise, she's an horrible choiche for Catelyn. She looks too old and plain! In the books Cat is in her mid '30; HBO aged up the characters, but she seems like 10 years older than Jennifer Ehle, and she doesn't looks like Sophie Turner (Sansa) at all. Catelyn is supposed to be elegant, royal and beautiful; she could be Lady Stoneheart, but not the GOT Cat.

PS: I apologize for my bad English :)


C'mon that's a bit harsh. I say let's give her a shot. I mean, we haven't even seen a trailer let alone a press photo. I have full faith in Benioff and Weiss. So far they've made excellent casting choices and the leaked pilot script was enjoyable; they've helped fan tremendous online support (a full year before the series is even set to premier, by the way) and have been working hand in hand with series author George R R Martin.

In addition...I am totally stoked for this series and will show HBO my gratitude by subscribing during the duration of the series. This will be vital in keeping ratings up, increasing the odds of subsequent seasons.


good choice, humble actress


I just watched the 10 minute "HBO Behind the Scenes" special for GoT. I was stunned when I saw the footage of Catelyn. Not at ALL like I pictured the character. In the HBO footage, she reminds me more of Old Nan than Catelyn Tully/Stark...far too old & homely looking. Just my opinion.

The other characters seemed ok, though. Especially the Lannisters, they all seem dead on (Cersei, Jaime, & Tyrion). Robb looks a bit old for 15, but not as egregious an offense as Cat.


It's not just looks, did you see that bit in the trailer?

"That's what men always say when honor calls".

WTF? In the book, NED was the one who didn't want to go. It was Cate who went on about honor and duty.

The casting and tone look pretty spot on except for Cate. She seems to be the weak spot in this production.

What happened to Jennifer Ehle?

Jesus is my Best friend, but he still won't loan me money.


I thought Michelle Fairley was very, very good as Catelyn. She erased all my doubts about her casting in the pilot.

I've heard Jennifer Ehle had to pull out due to personal reasons but who knows what went on behind the scenes, if they wanted her out.


it wouldve been interesting to see jennifer as cat. Admittedly i had my doubts about michelle when seeing her pic as cat. but after a few episodes of seeing her performance, i think she does a wonderful job, some of the best acting in the entire series.


She's been terrific throughout but last night's episode 9 must've been the highlight.
Great actress.
